Lawrence Malt: Elegance (A Backrooms Short Story)

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« Dear M.E.G Operative { L. Malt } of 'Team Reed',

We hope this letter finds you well. Recently, our surveillance equipment, which had been set up in Level 5, has picked up unusual energy fluctuations and, possibly, spatial distortions. We ask of you, and other members of 'Team Reed', to investigate this strange anomaly, as we are currently uninformed of what this could mean. And since we do not have any information on this anomaly, it is imperative that we look into this to avoid any potential risks or casualties.

As soon as you receive this letter, we ask with the utmost respect that you and your fellow members meet near the road to Level 10, and then onwards to the entrance of Level 5, at approximately 11 :00 AM today.
We thank you for your continued dedication, perseverance, and bravery.

M.E.G (Major Exploration Group)
'Team Overseer' »

Yeah, Level 5. Of all levels! I hate that place, ever since nearly getting killed by that 'Gentleman' (more like Beast) when I had first no-clipped into the Backrooms. Thank God the M.E.G was there, at the time, or I would've probably been buried under those red carpets.

I close the laptop after reading the E-mail attentively. Well, Level 5 isn't too bad, I reassure myself. My real question, is what this anomaly could be? Is it an entity? Or paranormal activity ? I've been in this place for 7 years, and still, the things here make me shudder. I do not believe anyone could ever get used to this place, not even the bravest or mellowest of Wanderers. Well, it doesn't really matter now. We're all stuck here, like rats in a cage of torment, forced to scower together in this hellhole we call the 'Backrooms.'

I quickly get up and change into my uniform, a sleek and protective white body suit with black accents, and a M.E.G logo on the left side of the chestplate, right over the heart. While doing so, I check the clock on my desk. I had received the message at 10:36 AM, and it was already 10:53 AM (Mind you, we only came up with the time in this place, so none of us are sure if it's the same outside).
"Right, I can't be late again!" I exclaim, essentially jumping over to my wardrobe, where I had set my weapons and supplies. "Why do they even set deadlines in this place!?" I rush out the door of my apartment, quickly fumbling through my keys to lock it behind me. I live in one of the many buildings of Level 11. After getting a job on the M.E.G forces, I had earned the right to have one, rather than some of the unfortunate Wanderers or Rebels forced to reside in the various sidewalks, empty stores, or even cul-de-sacs surrounded by large wooden walls. It's small, but better than nothing. The road to Level 10 is far from where I live, so I have to act fast. I slam the door behind me and bolt down the stairs, nearly tripping twice, before exiting the building.

The air is still and lukewarm, as always. It's not like the weather ever changes in this place, stuck as a regular, blue sky with a few white clouds, dancing through the vast ocean of blue above us. I run throughout the streets, swerving left and right, aiming to get there on time. The others are probably waiting on me already, I'm the only one who ever gets this late for anything. I wave to the people in the shops nearby, some I recognize, some I don't. But I don't have time for any of their chitchat. I keep running.

Finally, I make it to the black asphalt road, leading to a large tunnel made of cobblestone. And there they are, the three other workers I'll be going with, all equipped with the usual items any M.E.G soldier would be given. Guns, Almond Water, Med-Kits, you know the deal.
"Well, look who finally showed up," one of them guffaws. It's Mitchell. He's a large man with broad shoulders, grey hair and an unevenly shaved beard. I've known him for about 5 years, and we've worked on every assignment together. But I wouldn't consider him a friend, more like an acquaintance, or maybe even a boss. "What's the excuse this time? Slept too long?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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