2 (re-written)

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Their car slowed to a steady stop as they reached the famous Mcdonald's parking lot, which surprisingly was fairly empty despite it being a Friday night. The golden ''M'' glowed dimly against the blue sky that was tinted with a cold orange hue as the sun dipped beneath the tallest houses. Jake turned off the engine and unbuckled his seatbelt, opening the door and stepping out into the crispy autumn air. Johnnie stepped out after him, the wind instantly whipping his face and blowing his black hair back and out of his face. Johnnie narrowed his eyes against the breeze, annoyed that it ruined his hair. If only hair was wind proof.

Jake let out a soft chuckle at the sigh of Johnnie trying to fix his hair to no avail. "careful dude, i heard the wind doesn't like emos. You might get blown away." He joked with a slight smirk on his face.

They walked towards the entrance, the smell of fries and burgers wafting through the air. The fluorescent lights inside cast a warm glow on the familiar red and yellow décor. They placed their orders and settled into a booth by the window, the street outside growing darker as the last streaks of daylight faded away. Jake sat scrolling aimlessly through his phone, while Johnnie rested his head against his arms on the table, eyes closed as his chest rose and fell steadily, he probably would've fallen asleep if not for the sudden flick on pain on his head caused by Jake's finger. Johnnie lifted his head slowly, the hint of a glare creeping onto his face, and eyebrows raised in question.

Jake smiled innocently, shrugging, "you looked like you were falling asleep."

''I was.'' Johnnie grumbled, sitting up, stretching his arms and 'accidently' messing Jake's hair up in the process.

''Bully.'' Jake huffed out.

''You started it.'' Johnnie hummed, yawning. He missed his bed, honestly.

It wasn't much longer before the waiter finally brought their food over on a blue tray, setting it down onto the table with a way too enthusiastic smile on her face. Jake thanked her and reached for his burger and fries, grinning teasingly as he passed Johnnie his happy meal, "enjoy kiddie."

Johnnie snorted,"kiddie?"

Jake shrugged, organising his burger, fries and drink into separate places in front of it as if it mattered, which johnnie didn't really understand but chose not to comment on it. What was the point in organising your food into neat piles when your gonna eat it anyway? Still, he shrugged it off and shot Jake a short bemused look before beginning to take small nibbles out of his fries, chewing slowly. His eyes drifted to the other people in the room, there wasn't much. An elderly couple sat by the window behind Jake's seat, and a group of 4 friends sat around a table being annoyingly loud. Johnnie heart sped up a little as they laughed and he thought they looked right at him. They probably didn't but still... what if they were laughing at him? Did he eat weirdly? Maybe he should just put his food away and eat at home when nobody could see him.

His eyes dropped down at the table, his fries, then back at the group, he held his breath. Was he breathing too loud? He tried to swallow but it was near impossible. He felt like all he could do was just sit there, silent, stiff, paranoid thoughts running through his brain non stop. He was suddenly aware of everything. The way his shirt tightened around his waist, the way his clothes clung to him making him feel hot and uncomfortable, the amount of effort it took for him to take full breaths. He must look like a fool.

Johnnie glanced at Jake, who seemed to eating his food without a single care in the world. So why couldn't he just be normal for once and do the same? And then he felt something touch his ankle under the table and momentarily freaked out, panic flashing his eyes that disappeared as quickly as it came when he saw Jake looking at him with an an understanding. Johnnie let out a sigh, slumping back into his seat, his heart still beating slightly faster than what was normal, but at least it was helping a little. Grounding him. Although, he still didn't feel like he could eat here, so he cleared his throat and nervously asked Jake, "can I eat at home?" he waited anxiously for a response, fiddling with the skin around finger nails.

"Sure." Jake said softly, "I'm not your mom. If you wanna take the food home, go ahead."

Johnnie let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He waited for Jake to finish his food, in silence. He didn't really know what to say, although he wished, that's another thing he hated about himself; he was awkward. He hated the silence and craved conversation but didn't know what to say. Every idea that he thought of to say he assumed would sound stupid and just kept his mouth shut instead which wasn't much better.

Suddenly he was hit in the face with a small, soft bear toy. He blinked, staring down at it blankly, it was pretty simple, a plain brown bear with 2 black button eyes and a red hat and tie. It was smaller than the size of his hand. Typical crappy happy meal toy. Back in his younger days, the toys were much better. It's like they didn't even try anymore.

Wait a second.

He didn't even open his toy yet so how-

He glanced up at Jake, "really?" he sighed, throwing it back at him with a stifled laugh.

Jake caught the small bear toy with a playful grin, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know you love it," he teased, before setting the bear on the table between them. Johnnie couldn't help but crack a smile, shaking his head in amusement, "your a child."

"I'm the child? You got a happy meal-"

"Shut up." Johnnie huffed lightly.


The drive home had grown quiet, Johnnie sat there stuffing his face with his fries, too hungry to wait till he got home. And besides, he felt much better now anyway. Maybe social areas just weren't the best for him when it came to food. He didn't mind eating in front of Jake. He was used to Jake. He trusted Jake. "Sorry for being weird earlier," Johnnie said shyly after he had finished his pack of fries and moved onto his chicken nuggets.

"It's alright, we'll get drive through next time." Jake said, shooting him a reassuring smile.

As Johnnie finished the last of his chicken nuggets, he leaned back in his seat and let out a contented sigh, wiping his fingers on the fabric of his black jeans at which he earned himself a glare from Jake for. "You could've used a napkin."

"Didn't you say you weren't my mom? that was a very mom comment of you." Johnnie teased, chuckling softly.

"I'm a mom when I need to be." Jake huffed softly, turning his attention back to the dark road.

As they drove on through the night Johnnie yawned, leaning his head against the window, allowing his eyes to fall shut as his body fell limp and the sound of the radio faded and he was sucked into a dreamless sleep.

"You feeling better now?" Jake asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them. When he'd gotten no response, he turned his head to look at Johnnie, face softening at the sigh of his peacefully asleep. "well, goodnight, I guess." He whispered, breathing out a silent chuckle. 

The nights I'm left alone - (johnnie guilbert x jake webber) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now