Chapter 1: Kidnapped!!!

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SMG3: Listen, sorry again for this stupid fight that we just had.

Meggy: Well, at least you've learnt your lesson.

SMG3: You really do love Mario, do you?

Meggy: Yeah... we have 2 beautiful children.

SMG3: *sigh* Mario is a lucky guy.

Meggy: Yeah, he sure is... we sometimes have our Sexy time.

SMG3: I did not need to know that.

Meggy: Well, he is lucky.


SMG3: What is like to have a Family?

Meggy: It's a bit hard-working... but it's fun sometimes! Your kids would like to play a bit of playtime with you.

SMG3: I bet it's difficult that you have to change their Nappies.

Meggy: That's what Babies do.

SMG3: Brilliant...

Meggy: But, I still love them so much.

SMG3: I see.

Meggy: But, it would hurt my soul if they ever got hurt or something bad happened to them.

SMG3: What could possibly go wrong?


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Meggy: What the...


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