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I remember those days
When things were easy
I remember his voice
And the comfort it brought me
I remember thinking how easy it was
To completely trust him and all he stood for
I remember promising myself
To be loyal to him forever
I remember seeing the little changes
And thinking it was nothing
I remember defending him
Even when I saw that he was wrong
I remember praying to God
To take away the evil from his heart
I remember getting really desperate
When good changes didn't come

I remember when it all started
The pain and the tears
I remember giving up
And choosing to runaway
I remember thinking of a way
A way that helped me and me alone
I remember feeling guilty
About not caring where the others ended up
I remember learning the art
The art of manipulation
I remember getting everything I wanted
Wherever and whenever I wanted it
I remember becoming who I am today
Selfish, manipulative and unfeeling
I remember the shame
Of being exposed for who I am

I remember losing friends
Hating them even when they loved me
I remember the loneliness
Of never having someone to talk with
I remember learning to fake real laughter
And acting like I don't care at all
I remember praying and hoping and wishing
That someone would get me
I remember getting tired of hope
And accepting whatever I got out of life
I remember the whole process
That made me who I am today
I just hope I forget the regret and feeling of loss
That follows me everywhere I go....

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