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Buck's point of view


The next morning we arrive to the base finally.

"Wait, is that who I think it is Scar?" I ask him as we pull into the air base and I see two very familiar faces. "You know it is One Shot, don't go stupid on us now." Scar stabs at me, I don't care jumping out of the car telling them to keep the change. 

"Ma, Pa!" I yell out dropping my bag, they run up to us and I hold onto them not daring to break the hug. Then getting tested by Felix. "You think you still got One Shot in ya?" He taps my skin in morse code and I tap back. "No shit I can show ya right now if you want Pa." I get a small grin and a eye roll. 

"Sure already set it up kid, how have you been?" Ma asks me as I give her another hug and I take her wrist so Scar and Pa don't hear or see us. "Decent, I have been thinking about coming back, but I don't know what to do. I want to, but I don't want to, but if I want to it would mainly to be with you." I tap onto her arm as she nods her head to show she understands. "And I'm at least for now engaged, I don't think he's to happy with me because I kind of never told him until I got the letter I was a SEAL." I say out loud not worried about it but my civilian head screaming at me. 

"One Shot you idiot!" She says smacking me in the head then taking my arm to respond to my other worry. "I would love to see you back, but you should do what makes you happy. Not what makes Felix or Scar happy, not what makes your family in La happy. Do what you want it's your life Evan." She says giving me a tight hug again and handing me a pistol to start with as I groan.

"Lets see what you got kid." She says starting the simulation as I nail each of them in record time still, a lot easier than I expected. "The kid still got it I see." I hear a very familiar voice ring behind me as I turn around putting the pistol in my belt and running to hug her. "Bullet oh my god I have so much to tell you girl." I say as we hold onto each other for what seemed like hours. "If I didn't know better I would say you never left." Bullet says punching me in the shoulder, I shove her around, not hard but harder than I would any other women in my life. I know she can handle it more because of the SEALS. 

"So what is this op for?" I ask looking at this fake bomb diffuse simulation and solving it in under a minute which shocked me. "Did you just diffuse that bomb in under a minute!" Scar asks walking up to it looking at it confused. "I guess so it was pretty easy." I say solving the next one that was harder but still quickly. "Fucking One Shot Kid always having to show off." I hear turning around Blaze standing there scaring the ever living shit out of me, he always fucking does that. 

"Fuck you Blaze, you scared the ever living shit out of me." We hug each other as we are also very close as I am with these people like glue. "Ok so what is the op for?" I ask praying that the one place I don't want it to be. 

"Oh damn, ok you ain't gonna like this One Shot, not one bit. We have to go make a rescue of what I was told a women who has been held captive, who has valuable intel on some people in Herat. So we have to try and get her out so we can make a second high value bust Herat, so we are what I'm trying to say is we are going to be working in Herat for this." Ma who is our what you would call captain she calls the shots of everything. 

"Fuck the one part of Afghanistan I didn't want to go to. Motherfucker should have gotten that damn baptism last month." I say really pissed off because this is one of the most dangerous cities in Afghanistan. Not to mention the last time I was in that part of town I was in the hospital for 6 months and on leave for 6 months. "I feel like I'm missing something here." Blaze says looking very confused and looking at my now very red face.

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