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Eddie point of view


Two days later

I get woken up by knocking at the door as I, my beard grown in already but no use to shave it. I finally can't ignore the knocking anymore, pissed off and tiered I force myself out of bed.

"What!" I growl as I open the door, I see my tia pepe standing there, to say I felt awful is a understatement. "S-Sorry tia, I'm just-taken my anger out on the wrong person." I invite her in as I get a small smile from her, then she forces me into a very unwanted hug. 

"Your not to good mi hijo, are you sleeping, eating enough?" She asks me, I only told her yesterday about Buck being forced to leave. "I was asleep, just not in a good mood as you saw when I answered the door. Again I'm sorry for that." I reply getting myself a shot glass as she puts it back. 

"No you are not doing this, it is 10 in the morning Edmundo." She puts the whiskey away as well, I groan and scuff at her. "Not like I have any responsibilities to do, Chris is at camp for another two months. My fiancée is out somewhere in Afghanistan, dealing with god knows what." I snap then frowning apologizing once again.

"It's just the military mi hijo, you were in the military for years." She says in her stern voice causing me to lower my voice back to a normal, I rub my face out of frustration as she didn't understand the conversation we had yesterday.

"Tia, it more complicated than that, I was an army medic. I was never really in real constant danger, Buck was in the SEALS which stands for, Navy Sea, Air, and Land Teams. So he was in the elites of the elite's, he could be doing god knows what. It could be a simple bust that is easy, all the way to a solo undercover op in god knows what. For who knows how long, he has a ten time higher chance of dying then I ever was." I say dropping my head down on the table out of anger and frustration. 

"So basically what you did?" I groan as I feel even more frustrated than before. "No that's what your not getting, Ok lets say you put a dog and me in a fight, I would stand a high chance of survival right just a dog. Buck work as a SEAL is if you put him up against a lion with bare hands. H-Here look at these, these are only three of the ops he did but the rest are classified. Not for civilians to ever touch, see, or hear." I say giving her the three files, then realizing the mistake I made taking back the thickest one.

"Why did you take that one away again mi hijo?" She questions me as I find the easiest way to say it to keep her at bay. "That one is hard to look at tia, there pictures from when he got very, very hurt." I respond hoping she drops it and doesn't push it. 

"What do you mean very badly hurt? Like the fire truck, or the lighting?" I sigh rubbing my face again, knowing she won't drop it. "No, it was way worse than that, like a lot worse than that."

"I can handle it mi hijo." I finally give up, just wanting to go back to bed till work tomorrow. "Fine but I warned you." I hand it over to her flipping to the back of the file where the pictures are. "T-That was him? He looks very young, he looks uh, your cousin lizzie age." She says as I look at the date of the pictures my heart dropping and shattering. "Uh yeah this was him, h-he would have been just turned 21 that prior month." I shakily take it and close it, I couldn't handle seeing him like that. He was so young to have been that badly injured, and he was only 20 when he started that solo op. 

"He only 21 there, is that even possible, that seems to young to be on his own in military." She asks as I sit back, rubbing my jaw so hard that it caused a red mark to form. "Not impossible but also not normal, I not sure how long for the SEALS, but in army if you were ever in the rare case to go on a solo op. It would take 8 years I'm guessing before they even considered you for it." I tell her feeling sick to my stomach, so much I am really starting to hate the government. So much to the point I want to quit my job almost.

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