What the world thinks of teenagers?

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What the world thinks of teenagers?

So now here I am, with my laptop on my lap and struggling to come up with a decent topic to discuss. So I thought why not discuss the different views on teens like us.

The proper definition for teenagers is: a person aged from 13 to 19 years.

Or In my definition: A person who is better prepared for a zombie apocalypse than tomorrow’s math test.

Here are some other definitions, of us teens:

-       Someone who can pick out the voice of a friend from three blocks away, but can’t hear his/her mother calling from the next room.

-       Teenager: Name given to a type of headache, sometimes amounting to extreme distress, experienced by parents when their children start growing to become adults.

-       Teenager (noun) – A mammal found extensively throughout the planet, often clustered in groups in front of television sets.

Now the world loves to stereotype us as young beings that are disrespectful and ignorant. And truth be told, some of us actually are. But that doesn’t mean all of us. Yes, we have our moments. Of course we’re going to be stroppy, living a teenage life is – NOT EASY!

The constant badgering from our parents, “Have you cleaned your room?! You better have!”

The constant badgering from our teachers, “Exams are next week...” or “The homework is due in tomorrow...”

Our life is already stressful because of all the changes our bodies are going through, that now teachers and parents have decided to add more stress. And so I’d like to say to all the teen’s out there – “Hold on my dear friends… when times are rough just turn to Pumba’s wise words ‘Hakuna Matata’.”

Hakuna Matata!

What a wonderful phrase

Hakuna Matata!

Ain’t no passing craze

It means no worries

For the rest of your days

It’s our problem-free philosophy

Hakuna Matata!

Moving on swiftly…

Now the media (so that’s newspapers, magazines, news on the TV.. things like that), well they enjoy portraying us to the world as; unintelligent people, gang members, possibly even drug dealers, disruptive people, harmful, ignorant, disrespectful…etc

Occasionally, we do have moments where media show the world how we truly are. So for example; they may write an article about how a young teenager saves or helps an old couple. Which is fantastic, but these great moments are not known as much as the bad things ‘some’ (not all) teenagers do.

I know this isn’t all the media’s fault, but I do feel that because of what ‘some’ teenagers have done, all of us are being labelled too. It’s extremely unfair.

I once had a police officer come into my secondary school to discuss about our local community, and he told us: “People assume that teenagers are the ones who at night go wondering around breaking car windows and other things like that. But we have discovered it’s actually not you guys doing this, its 24-29 year old drunken men who proceed to smash people’s windows.”

So there you go. It’s not entirely us!

In the comments box below, let me know what you think of teenagers. Or if you’re a teenager yourself, why not let us know what you think about teens too.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this topic… stay tuned for more. :)

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