(S:0) Chapter 5: 'Blind guy'

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(A/N: It's not letting me put in photos on the actual story so the main is at the top^^)

Back at the lair, Cero looked to his knees as he sat nervously on the edge of a beanbag, sinking in just enough. Kinda like when you're at the beach letting the water hit your toes but not going any further.
Leo was staring at the boy with dark brown hair and his skin a cool mocha skin to complement his hair.
"Leo...LEO!" He jumped looking to who had called his name,
"Are you okay?" Flou asked,
"What? Yeah, I'm great! What's up?" Leo quickly replied,
"I was trying to ask if you and Donnie could stay with Cero while Mikey and I go get drinks?" Flou asked.
"Leo can, I'm going to my lab." Donnie said looking to his phone and walking back to his lab, Leo rolled his eyes at his brother.

Then his eyes lit up,
"Okay, so you guys going to get drinks? Cool! So if you go now, how long will you be gone?" Leo asked with a smile.
"Not long? Why?-" Leo cut her off,
"Okay! Take your time!" Leo said quickly, practically pushing them out the door. Before they could reply he walked over to Cero sitting next to him. Cero flinched a bit and looked to the red-eared slider with peridot skin and true blue mask and sash.


"You think it was smart to leave Cero with Leo?" Mikey asked as they walked hand in hand,
"Cero and Leo are a lot alike actually! Cero's just...more...uh..."
"Shy?" Mikey asked with a chuckle,
"I was gonna say reserved." Flou smiled. Mikey kissed her hand and nodded,
"I guess so, yeah." He shrugged. Flou looks to her phone,
"I think we turn here." Flou points to the right tunnel,
"You sure?" Mikey asks,
"Yeah, gas station, right?" Mikey chuckled,
"That's pizza this is the gas station." Mikey points to the tunnel in front of them.
"Dang. I was close!" Flou sighs,
"You were, but I'm proud of you." Mikey smiles kissing her cheek. Flou smiles and blushes,
"Well....thank you."


"Hey sooo Cero right?" Leo smiled to Cero,
"Oh...yeah, your..Leo..right?"
"Yup that's me! The one and only, Leonardo, Leo, the Leon! All what they call me," Leo boasted,, making Cero chuckle,
"No one calls you that!" Donnie calls from his lab,
"Ignore him, what about you? Someone your level of cool, gotta have some awesome nicknames!" Leo said in an interested tone, nudging Cero's arm.
"Oh uh...no..not really.." he shrugged.
"Hmmmm..." Leo leaned closer looking to his grey eyes, Cero backed up a bit glancing to the side.

"You're now...blind guy!" Leo stated,
"...Wait what?"


"Same thing?" Flou asks crawling out the manhole cover,
"You know it!" Mikey smiles as she closed the manhole cover. Flou giggled before getting up and walking to gas station just around the corner.

She entered looking around, she spotted the energy drinks. Waking over she scanned the shelves for the purple monster, she found it and picked it up.

Donnie, check.

Flou walked to the tea section grabbing herself a peach tea, she spotted the canned green tea. Flou grabbed it.

Cero, check.

Walking to the sodas, she scanned the shelves, she grabbed the red Mountain Dew, pineapple soda, and

Raph, April, and Leo, check.

She then started to search for Mikey's drink. She walked around the whole store probably 4 times. Before grabbing a bottle of sweet watermelon tea.

Mikey, check!

"Wait wait wait! How am I BLIND guy! I-I have really good vision!"
"Your eyes are gray! Almost white, if you hadn't screamed when you first saw us I would've thought you were blind." Leo snickered,
"Huh!?" Cero thought about his eyes, confused, "Have you never seen someone with gray eyes?" Cero asked, "Most of my family has gray eyes." He added.

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