(S:1) Chapter 6: Cannonball Day

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The moon was high in the sky, the four turtles sat at the top edge of a tall building. Raph stood up and pointed across the way to another building just a bit away from them. Donnie then stood up too, and aiming where Ralph was pointing, shot a zip line out of the edge of his staff. With the two buildings now connected, Raph pulled a walkie talkie out.

"Yellow Submarine? Pink Hour? Are we clear?" Raph spoke, using the code names used for April and Flou.

"Affirmative, Red Rover." April confirmed from the other end of the walkie talkie.

"Copy. Alright boys, it's go time."

They all latched on their clips to the zip line. Red, orange, purple, then blue. Then, with that, they all glided down the zip line.

Right below their zip line, on the roof of a building beneath them, an old man with teeth made of gold smiles wickedly. He laughed and leaned back in his chair, content about the suitcase full of gold and the several men in black suits protecting him.

But whatever they do, they do I guess.

The turtles continued their way down the zip line, right past the sketchy man below. They stay persistent, heading straight for the next building. There on the top of that one holds a giant pool for them. Raph gave the sign to wait. And they did. Right up until the moment was right.

And that moment was now.

They slipped off their clips one by one.





They all say individually.

"CANNONBALL!" all 4 boys yelled as they do a massive cannonball into the pool.

"WOO!" April exclaimed.

"AH!-" Cero quickly hid behind Flou.

The two of them were off to the side on the roof. Flou came prepared, she brought an umbrella using it to dodge the water that splashes from the cannonball. April, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky as she was standing closer to the pool. She was drenched now.

"Woohoo! That was awesome guys!" Flou cheered with a big smile. Cero came out from behind her, giving them a thumbs up in agreement.

"Woo! you must be this rad to ride that ride!" Mikey smiled pointing to himself.
"Well based on our velocity and entry angle…I can occur, we rad." Donnie smiled with Mikey, both of them pointing to themselves or doing a silly little victory move.

"You guys crushed it! Now give us five! or- three." April stammered a bit before giving everyone a high three.

"Couldn't have done it without the two of you! Our girls with the plan!" Raph smiled.

"And keys to this roof." Flou added with a chuckle. She grabbed Cero's arm, making him join the group. Cero chuckled nervously, giving the group a smile and another awkward thumbs up.

"Hey guys! Let's go bungee dunk on the hoops at Rucker Park." Mikey smiles, hanging his arms around April and Raph's neck, swinging between them a bit.

"Oh game on!" April exclaims.

"I haven't done that in forever!" Flou smiled excitedly.

"One thing first," April said as she put a wet floor sign on the ground, along with dry pool sign into the pool, "My work is done here!" She proudly announced.

Leo smiled, looking at Cero before making his way over to him, putting an arm around his shoulders.

"So Cero, how was your first cannonball day?" Leo asked with a smug smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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