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Author's PoV:

Ali and Feiha were seated on one of the tables of their college canteen, having their lunch and talking about random stuff, when they felt a presence approaching them.

Ali looked up and found Ayan standing beside him and was surprised for a second before he noticed that his senior's eyes were focused on the lady seated next to him.

“Uh hi,” he greeted and made Feiha jump in surprise because of his high pitched voice. Ayan smiled at that.

“How's your father?” Ayan's question was directed to Feiha and she knew it.

“Better,” she nodded and looked at Ali only to see him grinning at her. She narrowed her eyes at him and earned a chuckle from Ayan.

“Please join us,” Ali offered but Ayan just waved his hand casually.

“I already ate.”

Ali was in a mischievous mood so decided to tease his friend as he added, “Oh come on, senior. At least have some coffee with us. Feiha and I'd love your company, right?” He turned to her and she looked at him dumbfounded.

She had befriended a devil, she thought.

“Of course,” she gave the men a tight lipped smile. Ayan watched their exchange with amusement. He liked the effect he had on her.

“Okay,” he sighed and took his seat right opposite to Feiha's. He ordered a cup of coffee and began to talk about the upcoming inter college fest that was going to be held in their campus.

“There’s also going to be a football game by the end of this month,” Ali exclaimed like an excited kid. “You know, I always wanted to play under you when we were in high school but I never got the chance because of the other better players.”

Ayan hummed in response, “You can do it now, if you want.”

Ali's eyes brightened at that. He looked like he had been offered a million dollars.

“Oh, I'd love that!”

Feiha laughed at how cute her friend was and Ayan found himself calling her adorable in his mind.

“All the best,” she showed him a thumbs up and then finally looked at the man whose eyes had not left her ever since they landed on her that day. She didn't smile at him but the soft look in her gaze was enough to convey her gratitude to him and for his heart to start dancing in delight.

When they were done, Ali excused himself to get himself a shot of caffeine. “It's tough to stay awake after having lunch,” he reasoned and made Feiha roll her eyes at him.

She was now left alone with Ayan who noticed how she didn't stay still even for a second. She either adjusted her dupatta, played with her bracelet, or simply bit her lips.

“You look pretty,” he commented suddenly, taking her by surprise.

“Umm thanks,” She smiled awkwardly, “I think it's my haircut.” She had tried to joke but Ayan didn't laugh. Instead, the look in his eyes became intense.

“I meant that you look pretty everyday,” taking a sip of his beverage, he watched her cheeks flushing pink out of astonishment.

Feiha cleared her throat, clearly affected by his words, as she placed a hair strand behind her hair. “My class is about to begin,” she stood up and gave him a hesitant nod before sprinting away like a sick teenager who just got proposed to by her crush.




“You traitor!” Feiha charged at Ali who easily managed to dodge her blow and stood smirking at her when she narrowed her eyes at him.

They were inside their classroom, taking full advantage of an off period. The room was in chaos anyway so it wasn't like they were the only ones making noise.

“Why did you do that?”

“Do what exactly?” Ali’s tone dripped with innocence. “I remember only asking your crush to sit with us by using your name.”

Feiha's mouth dropped. Did he just….

“He's not my crush!” She quickly responded and Ali scoffed at her audacity.

“Yeah right, you think I haven't paid attention to the way you guys keep stealing glances at each other? That man is smitten and you, my dear friend, are no less.” Hearing Ali's words, Feiha bit her lips as she wanted to but still couldn't believe him. Yes, she knew that Ayan seemed interested in her but it was different when someone else talked about the same.
“Aww, little Feiha has a crush on her senior.”

“By the looks of it, you're the one who seems to be crushing on him and not I,” Feiha raised her eyebrows at him.

Ali looked at her funnily, “What do you mean?”

“I don't know,” she shrugged, “you just…appear so fascinated by him whenever he's around you.”

“Oh,” Ali stood silent for a moment before continuing, “He…had helped me when I was in middle school.”

Feiha didn't say anything to that. She waited for him to feel comfortable enough to go on about the topic that she figured out was quite personal to him.

Ali let himself sit on the desk and gestured to Feiha to do the same on the bench. He fidgeted with his fingers and exhaled lightly. “I used to get bullied in school because of…because I was an orphan. My classmates used to say that my parents left because they didn't like me. They accused me of being a bad son.”

“I used to stay silent and not react to them mainly because they were a big group and I was alone. Things became serious when one day they decided to lock me inside one of the store rooms with grasshoppers inside. I have a phobia of grasshoppers.”

Feiha offered her water bottle to Ali when she saw him breathing heavily. The situation must have definitely left a trauma on him. “How old were you back then?” She questioned out of curiosity.

“Eleven or twelve, I guess,” he gulped all the water down in one go, “Ayan had found me unconscious when he unlocked the room. He took me to the infirmary and I got treated there. He made sure to get the culprits suspended for doing…what they did to me.”

“I don't think he remembers me. I look very different now,” he smiled a little, “but I'll still remain grateful to him for helping me.”

The revelation was a heavy one and she had no idea what she was supposed to say to him. She didn't even know if Ali wanted her input in the matter. In the end she just sighed.

“I'm sorry for what you went through.”

“That instance had left me in trauma for a long time. I had begun to hate everyone around me. But then I told myself that if people like those evil boys exist, then so do the ones like Ayan. Humanity has many shades and we shouldn't judge all of them based on our experiences with only one or two.” Ali had a point. Feiha was glad that he had not let the negativity take over his reasoning ability and that he was still hopeful.

She was also glad that the guy who she was crushing on was not only handsome but kind as well.

Yes, she had a crush on him.

Her insides giggled at her admission of the fact that she indeed liked Ayan. The feeling was new and scary but still exciting and it left her breathless for all the right reasons.

“Ya Allah, help me,” she groaned internally.


Pray for Palestine and raise your voice against the injustice. This is not an option. It's an obligation on me and you and as humans we must do what we can to help them.

So pray. Pray as much as you can and don't let hope slide.

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