My Ayan

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Reminder: Pray and make lots of duaas for everyone, especially those who are going through severe trials. May Allah heal us all and grant us relief from whatever our problems are. Say Ameen.

And now, let's start reading...

Ayan's PoV:

Mom sat silent on the couch as we waited for her to speak. Ashiya and Zara Bhabhi sat on chairs adjacent to each other, the latter rocking Zaim back and forth in her arms. Ayra was in Mom's room, already asleep (thankfully).

Ahan Bhai stood with his back against the wall behind Mom and Arhaan Bhai was beside me, on the couch opposite Mom's.

There were cups of tea on the table in front of us, untouched and getting cold.

“Has she agreed to marry you?” Mom spoke and everyone suddenly straightened up.

“Yes,” I answered.

Mom nodded very subtly and then asked, “Her infertility…is it something that cannot be cured?”

I didn't know what to say to that. I didn't blame Mom for being concerned about the chances of me never having a child of my own. I, myself, wasn't completely unaffected with the idea of it either.

“I'm not sure…” I hesitated.

The room fell silent again until we heard Ashiya clearing her throat.

“Pregnancy during Anemia is tough but not entirely impossible,” she said looking at me and then at Mom.

“Feiha's body is weak because of inadequate number of red blood cells in her blood. She will have to take medicines regularly in order to stay healthy. In future, if her body manages to recover, which is difficult but it can happen, she may be able to conceive.” Ashiya explained.

Mom seemed to have regained some hope as she looked at me. “Mom,” I stood up and kneeled in front of her. Taking her hands I squeezed them in her lap. Her clothes smelled like cinnamon and home, as always.

“I want to marry Feiha because I like her. Children or not, I see my future with her. I would love to have a family with her, to give you grandchildren but even if that doesn't happen, I would still want Feiha by my side.

I know you want me to be happy and trust me, Mom, I want to be happy too. I want to be happy with her, and I want you to give us your blessings for that.”

“My god, Ayan!” Ashiya exclaimed, making all of us jump, “you're so in love!”

My ears felt heated as I rebuked, “No, I'm not. I just…happen to like her a lot.”

“Same thing,” Zara Bhabhi shrugged and I heard Arhaan Bhai snort at that.

These people were monkeys!

I shook my head at their antiques and returned my attention to Mom who looked like she was deep in thought.

Behind her, Ahan Bhai had a soft smile on his face as he stared at me. I raised my eyebrows at him to ask him what was the matter and he simply looked away.


“Okay,” Mom's voice pulled my attention back to her, “I will give you my blessings, however, let this be known that I am never going to stop hoping and praying for you and…Feiha to have children.”

Unable to control my emotions, I took Mom in a tight embrace and kissed her head. “Thank you, Mom. Thank you so much.”

Mom rubbed my back and patted my head as I heard her laugh. I pulled back to see her smiling from ear to ear, her small eyes almost invisible due to the wrinkles on her face but still managing to look beautiful as ever.

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