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Chapter 221: Who's causing trouble?

Thinking of another problem, Chi Kexi covered her face and laughed in embarrassment.

She didn't know if Li Jingjing was genuinely concerned about her or if it was because she was the little guy's mother.

There were so many things to do today, and it was an unforgettable day.

Chi Luoxi was physically and mentally exhausted. She took a shower and returned to her room early.

When she heard the sound of the video, she guessed that the little guy was calling at this time.

Chi Luoxi hurriedly answered the call.

The little fellow's childish voice made Chi luexi feel at ease.

"Mommy, are you done? Do you have time to talk to the baby?"

"I've just finished my work. Little darling, you're really good at picking the time. Look at mommy, she just showered and washed her hair. And you? Are you ready to sleep after taking a shower?"

Looking at the little guy's cute appearance and talking to him, Chi luexi felt that she was really happy and enjoying the process.

"Daddy went to take a shower. He said he would tell me a story later. But daddy's not as good as mommy 's. Mommy, when are you coming over to live with us again?"

Upon hearing the little fellow's question, Chi Luoxi was really stumped.

That was Li Jingjing's Villa, Li Jingjing's home. How could he just go and stay there?


She recalled the time when she had first met the little guy. She had even stayed in Li Jingjing's Villa. However, at that time, Li Jingjing had been a cold, quiet, and silent man.

At that time, Li Jingjing made people stay away from her.

Chi leixi, on the other hand, felt that she liked Li Jingjing more now.

She was still Swift and decisive in her work, but when they interacted in private, it was much warmer than before.

Sometimes, Chi Luoxi could even chat with him. This was something that he did not even dare to think about in the past.

The little fellow was still waiting for a reply, so Chi yaoxi could only say,"

"Chenchen, you can come to mommy's house to stay over this weekend. Mommy will tell you many stories."

The little fellow nodded in agreement. Suddenly, he leaned closer to the camera and asked Chi Luoxi to come closer as well.

"Mommy, come here. I have a secret to tell you while daddy isn't here."

Chi Luoxi was amused by the little fellow's secretive look.""Alright, what's the secret? Mommy, listen carefully. "

The little guy turned around to make sure that his daddy was still in the shower before he spoke again,"

"I heard it by accident today. Grandfather Butler was scolding the driver, uncle Liu, loudly. He scolded him for not driving properly and getting into an accident. It was so dangerous."

"What? Driver uncle Liu? Is it your daddy's driver, uncle Liu?"

Chi Luoxi was shocked. What happened? Why didn't he hear about Li Jingjing's car accident?

"Yes, it's the uncle Liu who drives for daddy. Grandpa Butler scolded him. If something happens to President li, will you be able to take responsibility?"

Chi Luoxi became even more anxious when she heard this. She hadn't seen Li Jingjing for a few days and had only sent her messages. Was he okay?

"Chenchen, is your daddy alright? Did you see any injuries on him?"