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[[[At home]]]

*they are both in the living room, Yoongi bring her Nintendo and she is so much happier, in fact, she looks like a kid who get her first Christmas gift ever and it was everything she wanted, her face is full of happiness, and she doesn't have any pain in her teeth anymore. So, she stand before Taehyung and look at her with a excited face*

You remember what you say? That you'll play with me?... so, are you ready for playing with me...? *she said with a lot of energy and happiness, her eyes are shining*

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that, sure, let's play, my little kid...oh, I mean, let's play my beloved wife... *he said and laugh, he stand behind Yoongi and embrace her waist* well, my beloved kid-- I mean, wife, choose your favorite game and we gonna start now! *he said smiling, and Yoongi look to him with big eyes, making a big decision...and she finally choose a game and start it*

[[[After playing]]] ... (Why not🤷🏻‍♀️😂)

*after playing, Yoongi and Taehyung are all happy, and the game they played was Mario Kart, so, a funny time and a lot of competition between them. Yoongi is so excited and she look more like a kid than ever, so much energy and happiness...and all of this with her husband...she can't believe that Taehyung like her...*

*the clock point it's 00:50*

...I guess it's late, and we need to sleep, right? *Taehyung say looking at Yoongi* No!! *yoongi says and still wants to play*

Yoongi....it's late, we need some sleep...maybe tomorrow, okay? *Taehyung say this with a serious tone, but Yoongi is full of energy, so, she doesn't listen, and she still want to play more*Oh, come one...please my love...let's go to bed...you really need sleep, really... *he said a little bit desperate while she still want to play but he can see that Yoongi still doesn't listen to him*

I'm fine with that you can go sleep *yoongi says and not even listening* Ho, come on, I don't want to sleep alone, I want to sleep with my wife ...you can't leave me alone... *he said and look at Yoongi trying to make a sad face but he can't control his laugh* you need to sleep, if you don't want the doctor tomorrow will put more needles in your mouth *he said, with a teasing tone* so...what do you say? The bed is warm and cozy...let's go honey! *he said looking at Yoongi with a cute face*

Okay tae *yoongi says and run to bed room and climbs on bed and jumping. Taehyung laugh and join her on bed, he smile and lay beside her, Yoongi is still jumping in the bed like if she doesn't have a care in life, so, Taehyung grabbed her and pulls her down and hug her, he kiss her cheek with a lot of love, and now, Yoongi calm a little bit*

...hey, hey, my beloved kid, it's time to calm and sleep...after this you need to sleep... *he said softly, Yoongi doesn't listen to him and she wants to keep jumping*

*yoongi  curls up on taehyungs embrace* stop calling me. Kid you oldie *Taehyung smile and kiss her cheek again while he hold her a little bit more tight and look in her eyes, he see how Yoongi struggle to be mad at him when he kiss her*

hey cutie...my love, I know I'm older than you, but it doesn't matter, just call me "beloved" instead of "oldie", okay my precious baby? *he whisper and Yoongi look at him for a moment, before he kiss his lover again, Yoongi face become soft when she see her husband so in love with her*

Okay Tae Tae *yoongi says and went under the cover and places taehyungs hand under her cheek and sleeping*

*Taehyung smile and kiss her head again, he hug her and cuddle her, he looks at her adorable face and she look so tired that she is already sleeping...so, he look for a moment longer, then, he go to sleep, hugging his beloved wife and smiling*

[[[Next day at office ]]]

*yoongi was exploring taehyungs office while taehyung was having hard time and yoongi was getting to his nerves*

*Taehyung seems to be mad, Yoongi explore her love's office and look at every piece of paper, every photo, and every object, she is excited to know more things about her husband...but when she sees Taehyung mad face and having a hard time working, she decide to help him... So, she sit beside him and look at the papers, then she look at Taehyung again...*

is this something really important? *she ask looking at the papers again and at Taehyung in the same time*

Yes...these papers are super important for me as a CEO... *Taehyung say looking at her with a serious face, but Yoongi doesn't care and whe continue to read some of the papers again* huh? You're boring, my oldie, do you think I care about your stupid company things? *she say with a lot of energy and happiness, then, she smile and look at Taehyung again but not reading the papers, just looking at him* hey... I have something really important to tell you!
*taehyung says* What? *yoongi says and raised her eyebrow*

I'm going to meeting now don't make mess especially noise here okay! *taehyung says and packed his stuff and left to his meeting room*

Huh boring why did I come here even? *yoongi says and goes out of the office and exploring other place on taehyungs company*

*while Yoongi is roaming on the company, other employees watch her silently...after some hours Yoongi is playing with a paper plane in the big hall,*

*yoongi stand up and runs around as she saw a big door she was interested and went inside as her eyes went wide when she saw a lot people here and saw taehyung as well that mean she came to meeting room*

Uh oh..... *yoongi grins sheepishly*

 *yoongi grins sheepishly*

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ঞじòぴé TBC ઈଓᦗ࿐


Her oldie husband ෆ𝓣𝓪𝓮𝓰𝓲 Where stories live. Discover now