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Fine...if it is that serious then I can handle this by my self...*he says and give yoongi a death glare*


time skip


*the road was silent as yoongi was looking at window and taehyung was driving the car and feeling so angry*

*yoongi sighed and looks at taehyung* tae I can explain...

*taehyung doesn't look at yoongs, yet...*

I don't want to listen to your nonsense excuses now, kid...*he says this as he looks straight ahead while still angry*

You have to know the truth! *yoongi says and raised her voice a little*

*taehyung still look straight ahead as his tone of voice seem a bit rougher now...*

What truth?...that you broke someone's nose again?...you did that before on the first place!

*he says this with a slight anger tone*

*yoongi goes silent* If you knew the truth you would have done same thing as me *yoongi says quietly*

*taehyung slowly turn at yoongs now....as his tone of voice became a serious one...*

What's exactly the truth?...a truth that made you did this stupid thing again?...

*he say this with a very strict and tense voice*

[[[Time skip to living room]]]

*taehyung was thinking way to punish yoongi* tae please listen to me for once *yoongi says and hugging his leg and whining*

*taehyung put down a empty plastic bottle...as he put a piece of masking tape on the bottle and he write "time off" on the tape...in front of Yoongs...*

Here is your time off for 2 days...I will not let you go to school for 2 whole days because of your misbehavior of today...

*taehyung say this with a firm voice as he show the bottle to Yoongs now...*

Please tae don't be like this just listen to me *yoongi says and she was verge of crying*

No...I can't listen to you and let you go without consequences after you do things that harm others...

*taehyung say this with a serious tone...he doesn't want to let yoongs without any punishment after what she had done....*

Please *yoongi says and sobbing hugging his leg tightly*

*taehyung still look at Yoongs...he doesn't let yoongs to go without punishment for what she did...he is very serious...*


*taehyung suddenly pull the kid off from his leg...*

*yoongi cried even more and trying to hug taehyung but taehyung keep pushing her*

*taehyung suddenly pull the kid off from him strongly now...*

No!...no!...I don't let you break my rule after I set it to you as your husband, yoongi...

*he say this with a very strict and firm tone...*

P-please *yoongi says and shaking crying hard as taehyung pushed her to corner* not corner please *yoongi says crying more*

*yoongi pants fastly and taehyung made her face to wall and walks away. Yoongi keeps crying and calling taehyungs name but taehyung ignored her*

*taehyung is still very angry right now as he suddenly have an idea to make sure that yoongs will get the message...as he go to a drawer... after that, he take a big rope from that drawer...*

Her oldie husband ෆ𝓣𝓪𝓮𝓰𝓲 Where stories live. Discover now