Meeting my cold boss 🥵😳

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  Y/N pov I was waiting for our boss to come , after few minutes I saw someone coming in a black t -shirt and gray trouser coming before I could see his face he went in the cabin I think he is only the boss I was busy In  my thoughts when someone spoke it was a young age boy around my age only he was looking kinda nerd !!

?? - how may help u mam

Y/N - ahmm actually I am the new worker over here

?? - oohh so u are Kim Y/N huh !!?

Y/N - YES may I know who u are sir
Jimin - oh yea my name is park jimin and I am the secretary of sir Jeon jungkook who is the  CEO of this company
Y/N - oh nice to meet u sir

Jimin - yea ,and  sir will call u in the cabin soon till then wait here

Y/N - ok sir thank you

Y/ N pov

Ohh so his name is jungkook hmmm

  Time skip few minutes later

JIMIN - Y/N sir is calling u in the cabin

Y/N- coming!!

Jimin - come in here is sir's cabin and yae he is very cold and scary so don't get scared of him and answer his questions confidently okay

Y/N - OK SIR thank you

Jk pov

On the phone

Jk - ahh grandpa why do you always force me to get married

Jk's grandpa - yaaa I want to see you married before I die

Jk -  yaaa grandpa why do always say this only huh ??

Jk's grandpa - then why don't you listen to me and get married huh !!?!?

Jk - okok fine I will get married but I will choose the girl

Jk's grandpa - ok but before getting married you have to show that girl to me then only will get married to the girl you have chosen ok

Jk - ok fine grandpa

Jk's grandpa - that's like my grand son bye

Jk -  ok bye grandpa take care of your health

Jk's grandpa -  yea and start finding good girls ok

Jk - hmm bye.

Call end
Jk pov
Now I don't have any choice but to find a girl and get married to her but I will do this marriage as a  contract marriage hmm
Jk pov end

Y/N - sir may I come in

Jk - yea

Y/N - sir I am here

Jk - oh so u are the new worker huh

Y/N -yes sir

Jk(in the mind ) - fuck she look so good yarr she is sexy  ahhh jk what are u thinking stop it , wait a min should I ask her to be my contract wife I think I should

Jk- your name is Y/N right?,  so your job is to be my contract wife 

                                   ~To be continued ~

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