Your sister meeting his brother 😏

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Tae - yaaa tell me what is that girl 's name and how does she look huh !!??

Jk - yea yea I will tell you her name and everything but I have something very important to tell u

Tae - yes what happened

Jk - actually this is a contract marriage

Tae - what!!?

Jk - yea

Tae - tell me do u love her

Jk - yea I love her but I don't know if she loves me or not

Tae - tell me the full story

Jk tell 's him the full story

Tae - ohh so grandpa  forced u to get married but ended up loving her

Jk- yea kinda like that only

Tae - ok fine I understood everything

Jk - pls don't tell anything to grandpa ok

Tae - yea yea but I want to meet her

Jk - what no

Tae - then how will I help u

Jk - ok fine I will try

Y n's house

Y/n - so Abby u tell me do u have any boyfriend or Crush huh!??

Abby - no Naa I am single only 😔

Y/n - don't worry we will find a nice boy for u

Abby- ok but do u love jk.

Y/n - Idk

Abby- not even a little bit

Y/n - Abby I can't understand only

Abby- no worries u will have feelings for him

Y/n - whatever

Abby - anyways I want to meet jk

Y/n - what really actually even I want to meet him

Abby- ohhh ,  then when will we meet him

Y/n -  idk I have I ask him First

( Before u could say anything your phone rang it was jk 's phone )

On the phone

Y/n - hiii kookie

Jk - hi I want to ask u something

Y/n - yea

Jk -  can we meet today actually my brother wants to meet u

Y/n - huh. What a coincidence my sister also wanted to meet you

Jk - really, wait a minute u told your parents that we are getting married

Y/n - no I only told my sister about this

Jk - ohh ok ,fine then let's meet at the same cafe

Y/n - ok  byee

Jk - hmmm byee

Phone ended

Abby - what happened are we meeting him

Y/n - yea and his brother is also coming with him

Abby - ohh ok

Jk 's mansion

Tae - what happened

Jk - get ready we are meeting them

Tae - them ??

Jk- yea her sister wants to meet me

Tae - ohhh ok

Time skip at the cafe

Abby pov

I was walking with y/n to the table I saw two very handsome boy 's siting on the chair but who is jk.

Abby pov ended

By the way this were the clothes u both were wearing. 👇

 Y/n 's clothes ☝️

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Y/n 's clothes ☝️

    Abby's clothes ☝️

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    Abby's clothes ☝️

Jk pov

Fuck y/n is looking so beautiful and cute ahhh  I think that I am going to have diabetes soon because of her sweet and cuteness ahh

Jk pov ended

Tae pov

OMG that girl in black clothes looks so sexy and hot 🔥 she is just fire I think we need a  fire brigade because this cafe is going to go on fire because of her  hotness I  just hope that she is not jk's soon to be wife

Tea pov ended

Y/n - hi kookie

Jk - hi y/n how are u

Y/n - I am fine how are u

Tae pov

Ohh thank God the black outfit girl is not his wife

Tae pov ended

Abby pov

Ohh so this  is jk  and that handsome and  sexy body boy is his brother ahmm

Abby pov ended

Jk - so this is my brother taehyung , and taehyung this is y/n I soon to be wife

Y/n pov

OMG he called me his soon to be wife ahmm

Y/n pov ended

Tae - hi y/n u can call me tae and who is this beautiful lady

Y/n -  oh she is Abby my sister

Abby - hi nice to meet u jk  and nice to me u too gentlemen

Tae - nice to meet you to Abby


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