✨getting marriage to jk ✨

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Tae - hi nice to meet u Abby

Abby - hi nice to meet u too  tae

*U all sit down and jk order's the food and now u all are talking to each other*

Tae - so y/n what did u saw in jk and decide to marry him huh ??!!

Jk - tae u better shut up or I will kill u ok

Tae - ok ok fine sorry , and Abby are u single

Abby - yea


tae - ohhh ok

Time skip after few minutes

Now u all are done eating food and now u are leaving

Jk - y/n ahmm actually I wanted to ask u something

Y/n - yea

Jk - what is your favourite place

Y/n - my favourite place ahmm it is Delhi

Jk - Delhi ??!! Where is it located

Y/n - in India but why are u asking me my favourite place

Jk- actually grandpa was asking me were we both will go after our marriage

Y/n - ohh ok

Jk - ok fine see u tomorrow

Y/n - yepp byeee kookie

Jk - hmmm


Tae - so how is your type

Abby - huh ??!

Tae - i mean what kind of boy will u like as your boyfriend

Abby- like u

Tae - huh ??!??!

Abby - yea

Tae - oh so this little girl wants me huh

Abby - will u be mine

Tae - why not it will be my pleasure

Abby - hmmm ( before she couldn't say anything you came )

Y/n - Abby come let's go

Abby- hmm , u tae call me ok

Tae - YEA babe

* U both leave the place*

Y/n - why was tae calling u babe huh

Abby - hmm that's a secret

Y/n - ohh secret huh tell me or I swear tomorrow before my wedding i will do your funeral

Abby - okok listen actually na i was flirting with him and at the end I said call me so he said ok babe

Y/n - ohh so my sister is in love huh

Abby - oh come on

Y/n - no but seriously do u like him

Abby - see he is hot but idk If I will like u know be his wife but he is nice  ahh forget  it

Y/n - ok ok think about it and then tell me , now sleep tomorrow we have to wake up early in the morning

Abby - yes gn

*Abby think's about tae the hole night and u about jk in short no one sleeped that night*

Meanwhile jk's house

Jk - hey tae do u like Abby  huh!!??

Tae - bro jk she is just super hot , her br!ast  is like ahmm I just wanted to  give a hickey on her br!ast and all over her body , I just want her

jk ff when he gets married to an indian girl Where stories live. Discover now