A invitation for the party

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At JK 's house

Jk pov

I was looking at her while she was sleeping she is just looking like cute baby  but I really want to taste her so badly ahmmm

Jk pov ended

Abby pov

It is been few days past that incident I am very nervous what if I get pregnant ahhhh should I tell this to y/n yea I should but  it is midnight ??? it is very important i should call her

Abby pov ended

Y/n pov 

I was sleeping peacefully but i woke up when I heard my phone rang ahhhh  who is that person who broke my beauty sleep

Y/n pov ended

On the phone

Y/n - hello

Abby - y/n i need to talk something very important

Y/n - Abby why are u calling me at this time is something wrong u ok right

Abby - no !!!

Y/n - huh what happened huh are u ok

Abby - actually I had sex with tae

Y/n - WTF are u saying ahhh when I mean how and are u pregnant

Abby - idk i have not checked yet

Y/n - shit but when did this all happened

Abby - at your wedding day I was very drunk and he was too and we didn't knew when we did it

Y/n - ok listen now just relax and go to sleep tomorrow morning I will come to your place and we will check if u are pregnant or not then we will decide what to do ok goodnight

Abby - ok y/n thanks

Y/n - hmm bye

Abby - bye

Time skip at the morning

Y/n pov

I was making breakfast and then I heard the door bell rang

Y/n pov ended

Jk - wait I will open the door

Y/n - ok fine

Jk pov

I opened the door and saw a letter on the door step

Jk pov ended

        Jk read the letter

Y/n - jk who was it

Jk - ohh actually it was a letter

Y/n - huh what is it

Jk - my  business partner has kept a party coz his wife gave birth to a baby girl and it is tonight so get ready ok

Y/n - ok

Jk - I will send u the dress ok and be  ready till 6 I will come and pick up ok

Y/n - ok fine and I'M going to Abby 's house ok

Jk - ok but come home early

Y/n - yes kookie don't worry

Jk - hmm is the breakfast ready

Y/n - almost, you go and get ready i will   serve the breakfast

Jk - ok

Time skip y/n pov

Jk just left for this work and now I am getting ready to go to Abby 's place but  I was getting ready only but suddenly I got a call

On the phone

Abby - y/n listen i have took the pregnancy test and now I am on the way at your house ,  I will be there in few minutes okay

Y/n - ok fine

Time skip

Abby - i just hope it will be negative

Y/n - hmmm

Abby. - y/n see the pregnancy test is showing two red line means i am not pregnant right???

Y/n - what ?!!! No Abby it means you are pregnant


y/n - chill we will find a way out of this ok

A /n pov

You are trying to make Abby calm down

A/n pov ended

Abby - ok y/n I will tell this to tae

Y/n - ok fine

Abby  - y/n i should get going ok bye and thank you so much for your helping me

Y/n - most welcome Abby okay and take  care of yourself

Abby - hmm bye.

A/n pov

Abby forgets the  pregnancy test on the wash basin and you also forget to throat it in the bin  because you are getting  late for the party so you start getting ready

A/n pov ended


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