I Want Forever With You-Part 2

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Becky's POV

'Bec! Nam's calling! Come, join, babe'

I was in the kitchen tidying up after we had dinner when I heard Freen's voice from the bedroom. She wanted to help in the kitchen, but we were going to have a movie night, so I told her to go and have a shower before I would tidy up the mess, but seemed like the call distracted her.

'A couple of minutes, babe' I shouted back

When I entered our bedroom, she was sitting on the bed with her phone in her hands looking down on it. I sat beside her as she turned the phone screen to my side

'Hey, Becbec' Nam squealed when she saw me

'Hi, Nam. How have you been?' I asked smiling

Nam is our friend and she often called to check on us. I knew she was worried about us and missed us as we missed her, so her video calls always made us happy, especially Freen. She had no-one in England, not friends, not her family, only person she knew was me and sometimes I could see sadness in her eyes, which she tried to hide it from me, but I knew her too well not to notice.

'Been good babies, you? I've missed you soooo much' she smiled sadly

'We miss you too Nam' I smiled and looked at Freen beside me, I saw how her face features saddened in a couple of seconds. Think Nam understood the situation too and quickly changed the subject

'How is the new company in there? Freen told me you signed the agreements. Is it good?'

'Well, we met the manager last Monday and we discussed the projects they want us to be the part of. First one is a small project, a short LGBTQ film, but I think it's going to be a good one, so we agreed and there is another one, which is more interesting. The best part all of this is that me and Freen will be working in both projects together' I said smiling and quickly kissed Freen on the cheek. She giggled and blushed. She was always very shy whenever I tried to show my feelings, I had for her, in front of our friends or other people and I always thought shy Freen was the cutest.

'Aww, girls' Nam giggled too I'm so happy for you. I wish both of you all the success in the world, you truly deserve it'

'Thanks Nam. We signed the contract only for 6 months. After we decide should we renew it or not' Freen explained

'That's a very smart move, girls' she encouraged 'btw, I was thinking to keep it as a surprise or to tell you, but as you know me, I can't keep my mouth closed for too long......'

'What is it?' Freen frowned

'As you know we are having our fan-meeting tours in some countries, can't say for sure, but we might end up In England too' she exclaimed

'Seriously???' from excitement Freen's eyes got wide and her smile even wider, she smiled from ear to ear

'can't be sure for 100% but, yes, our manager has been telling that it's possible. But even if we won't, me and Heng still plan to visit you'

'Oh my god, Nam, that's soooo great' I said happily. 'You'll make us very happy if you manage, we miss you and Heng as well' I looked at Freen's side, her eyes were shining

'When do you start filming?' she asked

'Next week, Nam. Until that we have all this time for ourselves'

'I'm so glad to know you are doing good there, girls. Hope we meet soon'

We chatted some more time with Nam and after we said goodbye Freen went in the bathroom. I laid on the bed, lost in my own thought, while she was taking the shower. I could sense how hard it was for her to live in not so familiar country, without friends or the family, but she never complained about it. Her behavior spoke louder itself about how important our relationship was for her and it made me feel that I was a very special person in her life, that she chose me, she chose our love over everything. The more I thought about this the more I wanted to do everything for her not to see sadness in her beautiful eyes and I just hoped I would never disappoint her.

'Baby, is everything okay?' I was lost in my thoughts and I did not notice when she left the bathroom and stood there watching at me worried 'I was calling you, but seemed you could not hear me'

'oh, so sorry babe. I was lost in my thoughts'

She was wrapping a towel around her wet hair when she looked up at me confused

'Does anything bother you? You wanna talk about it?' It should have been the other way around, it should have been me asking those questions, but she beat me to it

'No, I'm fine' I faked a smile

'You sure?'

'Yes, bb. Don't worry. You know there is one girl, she's occupied my thoughts' she raised her eyebrows as I tried to lighten the mood by flirting

'Then I think I have a huge reason to worry Rebecca, Don't I?'

'Well, you are right, that might be the reason for you to worry' I teased her

'Really? And who are you talking about?' I think she took it seriously, so before I would get myself in trouble, I got up and walked towards her and stood in front of her so close that I could feel her warm breath on my face

'I think you know her. The girl I am talking about has a very beautiful and captivating eyes, just like you... and she also has a cute nose, well, just like you.....and very delicious and soft lips, just like you' I gently caressed her lips with my thumb and got even closer

'Really?' she asked whispering as she stared back on my lips

'Really' I responded whispering too, never stopping my thumb movement

'what about you were thinking about that girl' I wrapped my other hand around her waist and pulled her even closer, in fact there was not left any space between our lips

'I was thinking about how much I love her and how lucky I am that she loves me back' I softly pressed my lips against hers and moved them gently, no rushing, no roughness, but only soft moves. With the kiss I tried to show her how much her love meant to me and how much I love her.

'I'm so madly in love with you, Sarocha' I whispered after we pulled away and cupped her cheeks with my palms

She slowly opened her eyes and stared at my lips lustfully

'You drive me crazy, Armstrong' I pecked her lips one more time and chuckled. She never called me with my last name before and I loved it, she made it sound very sexy

'dry your hair beautiful and let's watch a movie' I said as I pulled away

'Seriously, Becky?' she stood there dumbfounded

'Yes, very' I turned around and left the room quickly, laughing quietly, but could hear she mumbled something under her breath.

I enjoyed teasing my baby, but I also knew I would be punished soon because of what I just did.

A/N- Here is the next part. Thank you for the comments and voting 💜Hope you enjoy reading guys 💜

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