I Want Forever With You-Part 11

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General POV

One week went by quickly, both girls got busy, working without a break. Their work schedule was getting busier each day as the company they were working for started the project. They had been filming scenes every day, from very early morning until midnight, because the project had to be done in six months.

Because of the busy schedule, to the girls were given a company car to provide their presence at work in time and to drive them back home safely every night.

Slowly girls were getting used to the new working place, new people, new surroundings, especially Freen, cos for her it was very hard at the beginning, everything for her was very new and unfamiliar, also the language barrier was not making things easier for her, but Becky was by her side every time to encourage her, to support her. Actually they both were each other's side all the time.

The hardest part of their work was when one of them had to be intimate with other partners during filming and other one had to watch it. whenever each of them had a kissing scene, it was difficult for other one to watch and control emotions, especially for Becky. She knew, she had to control her actions, first because it was only for filming and she had to be professional and second because no-one knew there was something more than just a friendship between them. It did not mean that they were hiding their relationship, they were not ashamed of their feelings for each other, but they did not want anyone to think that their feelings would get in the way of the working process.

They were filming the scene where Freen had to kiss her partner in the show, it would be a simple kiss, nothing else, but Becky could not find a place, she felt so unsteady, so nervous, so jealous, but she had to be calm her actions not to be suspicious. It was the last scene for today and they would be going home after.

At first she thought maybe it would be better if she left the place for a while until the scene would be completed, but she knew her girl would be worried if she disappeared, so she decided to stay and handle unpleasant feelings quietly.

Freen, noticing Becky's unsteadiness, approached her

'babe are you alright?' she whispered, concern was noticeable in her tone. Becky, without uttering a word, nodded her head 'you know, it's just for filming, don't you?' Becky nodded again 'please don't get upset'

'I'm not upset, baby, I know I have to be more professional, but it's very new to me to see my girl kissing someone, even though I know it's not for real and it is for work, but I still can't handle the thought' Becky smiled nervously

'if it makes you feel better maybe you should go outside and breathe some fresh air while the scene will be completed?' Freen suggested

'No,no. I'm staying. I need to learn how to deal with things like that, because this is our work, we have to be professional in situations like this one' Becky assured

'are you sure?' Freen wanted to be sure that her girl would not have much discomfort

'I am baby, don't worry about me' Becky smiled. Maybe the smile was fake, but she did not want Freen to be distracted

'last scene and we'll go home soon'

They had to be quiet while talking and had to have enough distance between them not to get any unnecessary attention, it was very hard for the both of them not to hold eachother's hand or not to kiss then and there, but both knew they had to stay away from each other at work.

It was even harder for Becky than she thought, to watch how a guy wrapping his hands around her girlfriend's waist pulled her close to himself and attached his lips on hers. For a couple of seconds she closed her eyes, to make her pounding heart calm down, but it did not help. Her face features reddened as she tightened her fists, she even did not realize how her nails slowly started cutting her skin on her palms. She was in her own world, she was not giving attention to her surroundings, it felt like she was having a nightmare and could not get herself out of it. But the familiar voice who kept calling her name, brought her back to reality

'Bec....Beec....baby' Freen tried to get her attention, but with no success 'Becky....BECKY' this time Becky opened her eyes and looked her straight in her worried eyes 'baby, we are done, let's go. The driver's waiting for us to drive us home'

Almost everyone left already except them, so Freen after grabbing their belongings held Becky's hand and lead her outside towards the car.

They both sat in the backseat of the car, Freen still holding her girlfriend's hand. She could see Becky's swollen palms, caused by her unconscious actions earlier. She caressed it gently with her fingertips but said nothing

'why did you do this Bec?' Freen asked softly but concerned as soon as they entered the apartment and she closed the door behind her back, but Becky just shrugged 'come here, let's put ice on it'

'I'm fine, no need to' Becky mumbled avoiding eye contact with her

'you are not Bec, come' and she pulled her towards the kitchen. They sat at the kitchen table as Freen put an ice pack on her palms

'it's cold' Becky complained quietly, guilt was evidence on her face. When she calmed down and the realisation hit her, she felt ashamed of her previous actions

'serves you right' Freen replied as both chuckled.

Becky tried to avoid Freen's gaze as she looked down on her hands, but Freen placed her hand under her chin and made her look at her

'Bec, I love you, you know right?

Becky nodded

'I understand it was first time when you have to face something like this, I understand you babe, I don't know what I would do if it was me on your place, but please don't hurt yourself'

'I did not mean to, Freen. I swear'

'I know, it just hurts me to see you in this state' she whispered and leant forward to get closer in attempt to kiss her, but Becky instinctively pulled back, refused to touch her lips without realising what she actually did. But soon after she did it she witnessed how her girlfriend's face changed, every single feature of Freen's face showed how hurt she got by her action. But what she did next hurt Freen even badly

'I'm sorry, I'm very tired. I'll go to bed' with these words Becky left her alone in the kitchen, hurt and devastated

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