I Want Forever With You-Part 10

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Becky's POV

We arrived home, non of us uttered a word the whole way back home. Only Richie's friend called him, asking why he left so early. He explained the situation and said he would go back after he would drop us off.

Freen was very quiet since the incident, even though she tried to hide emotions, her fear and panicking state was evidence in her eyes. Holding her hand I tried to show that I was there for her, I wanted her to know I would not let anyone hurt her.

When we got home she went straight to the bathroom and took a shower as if she tried to get rid of something that was glued on her skin.

I was sitting on the bed in our bedroom when she finished showering and got in, after wrapping a towel on her wet hair she slowly walked towards the bed and sat beside me

'are you okay, Freen?' concern was evident in my voice

'I'm good, Bec. Don't worry about me' she softly assured but I knew she was not

'I'm sorry about what happened today'

'you should not be, it's not your fault babe'

'it is. You should not have been alone, I should have come with you'

'you could not have known something like that would happen, it's not your fault'

'after you left for the restroom I saw him, but I was not sure if it indeed was him, it was so dark in there. I went to look for you straight after and that's when I found him.....' Remembering the scene anger started building in me, I clenched my fist so hard that it hurt.

'his grip was so tight and strong, I could not free myself, I tried Bec so hard, but I could not. He was so strong..... I got scared' her lower lip trembled

'I should have killed him straight away urghhh' I clenched my jaw

'I thought it would be different here, I thought people here would be more open minded' she said quietly

'babe, not everyone is like him. He is a sick asshole. The problem was not that he saw two girls were in love with each other, but he liked you and thought he could win you and take you away from me. He is sick, that's what he does, stealing others' girlfriends away. I think he has some sort of complexes'

'I was screaming but no-one could hear me, the music was too loud'

'did he touch you...in any kind of a way?' I kept clenching my fists

'no, he did not manage to do something, even though he was so close......' she stopped and gulped nervously 'I could feel his breath on my face, it disgusted me. It felt like some dirt was left on my skin and I needed to wash it off soon'

I stood up, still holding my fists so tightly that it hurt and kicked the chair with my feet that was placed near the bed

'stop that Becky, please, you are scaring me' she stood up and took my hands, made me open my clenched fists. Her words snapped me out of the trance and when I eventually looked at her, I realised my actions scared her even more

'I'm so sorry baby, so sorry. I did not mean to scare you' I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her gently towards me. Wrapping her hands around my neck she placed her forehead on mine

'I'll be fine, I promise babe' she softly pressed her lips on mine

'when I think about someone else touching you, an monster wakes up in me. I never ever felt anything like this with anyone else. I want to protect you at all costs' I caressed her cheek with my thumb

'why do you love me that much?' I did not expect this kind of question, but it made me smile

'there are many reasons, babe. If I start now believe me we won't get any sleep tonight, I will need all the time until tomorrow morning or even more' We chuckled 'all I will say now is that, I never felt anything like this before, it's so strong I can't describe with words. You are sooo beautiful, Freen, if you could see yourself with my eyes, you would know what I mean'

'you are such a smooth talker, Rebecca' she giggled

'nah, I just love you' I placed a quick kiss on her lips 'come on, beautiful, let's dry your hair and I'll brush it for you after'

I showered and was drying my hair as I could hear Freen's voice, she was on the phone talking to someone, I assumed it must have been Nam.

'did you finish?' Freen opened the bathroom door and walked in

'almost. Who was on the phone?' I asked

'Nam. She told me they're flying to London next week' She squealed with excitement

'really?' I looked at her through the mirror surprised

'yep, she said they are going to visit England for some work, but whenever she has free time she'll come to London to see us' her eyes were shining with happiness

'The best news so far babe'

'can't wait, Bec' she beamed as she hugged me from behind while I was facing the mirror in front of me, brushing my hair

'hope our work schedule won't be too busy at the time when she gets here'

'hm, that's what I've been hoping, I want to spend as much time with my friend as it will be possible'

'you will, babe. We'll manage' I assured her. She looked terribly happy after hearing the news, cos she did not have any friends here, in London and I hoped Nam's arrival would do all best effects on her.

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