Chapter 1 - Boss and Assistant

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Some people hate spiders, others hate surprises... Y/n hates to wake up late in the morning, don't get this wrong, she is absolutely not an early bird, she doesn't need to wake up at impossible hours of the morning to work out and do anything before having breakfast. But that didn't mean that she liked waking up 20 minutes before work, because even if she didn't do a lot before feeding herself she still had a lot to take care of before going to work.

The light from the morning sun filtered through the big windows of her one room apartment in the middle of New York, it had been shining in her face for a while before she finally wake up, confusion in her expression. Why was the light shining on her face? What time was it? She looked to the side at her alarm clock showing 12:00 in bright red neon lights, the lines in her face tightened in more confusion, she then grasped at her phone and checked the time.

"Shit!" She jumped out of bed throwing her blanket backwards. She was late and her boss was going to kill her.

It took her around 10 minutes to get ready, with no time for breakfast. Slid out of her silky shirt and shorts, right into her white puffy office dress, shoes with heels not too high and purse hanging from her shoulder. She ran out passing by the fire department, turning the corner to get to usual coffee shop. When she entered she was greeted with the longest line she had ever seen and comical Christmas songs about how you should always hope for the best.

"What?" She had never seen so many people in the shop, it probably was because this wasn't her usual time to pass by. Thankfully god had angels walking between the mortals.

"Y/n, Hey!" From behind the counter a head popped to the side, a guy with brown hair and a short cut called for her, smiling sweetly like every morning. She skipped the line walking up to him that gave her usual order. "Here you go, your regular black coffees."

"You literally saved my life, thank you. Thank you." She grasped softly at the paper cups, decorated with Santas and jingle bells, and then wizzed out. She had a 5 minutes advantage over her boss with the work place just on the other side of the road. She run between the cars clogged in traffic, the drivers honking left and right at her abrupt passing. "Sorry." It wasn't like they could hear her.

She slid in a group of people entering the building and managed to get in a elevator without having to wait for the coming of who knows which saint. While doing so she crushed on the half closing doors. "Everyone ok?"

She asked to the three men of her department that happened to be in the elevator box with her. "Yeah." Was the reply of one of them.

"Me too."

She power walked out of the elevator catching the eye of the front desk secretary. "Cutting it close, Y/n" Yep Y/n was almost late, thank god again for the barista's kind heart.

"One of those mornings. Thanks tho, Captain Obvious." She chuckled walking passed her, head turned so she could see the other girl reaction at the joke. Sadly she run into someone, one coffee spilling all over her. "Sweet Jesus!"

She stepped back from one of her colleagues giving out new manuscripts to every desk, this guy always went around with his little cart filled with yellow files that contained all the stories that were to be reviewed or sent to print. Her face was not happy, it was indeed a stressful morning and this was the last few drops of her patience. "Sorry. I didn't see you there." They both said together. Around the rest of the coworkers were either laughing or trying to calm Y/n down with a joke. "Rub some dirt on it, sweetheart."

She stared him down making him gulp in guilt, she walked forward to her desk that was just outside the main office of the floor, manuscripts ready to give to her boss flooding the wooden surface, she groaned setting down the remaining cup of coffee and looked around searching for someone. Bridget.

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