Chapter 15 - Need a bit of Snow

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"Yes... like you always wanted right?" Five asked hinting with his expression to get it together for a second, what was up with her? Y/n gapped and then looked at his family pulling a smile.
"Yeah I... always dreamed of a big wedding, I'm happy. Probably better than the small one this cutie had in mind." She said pulling up her most cheerful voice petting Five on his chest at calling him cutie. Was he a cutie? He didn't think he was.

"Oh Wonderfull!! We should go plan!!" Klaus erupted with a high voice that was not his usual "Come dad we got a lot to do."
Klaus pulled his father slowly making it's way to the door. "Mom you too, let's go let's go."
He prompted as Grace was having a hard time leaving the room due to the excitement of being able to see his son get married, not that he was the first one, but surely she had concerns over if he was ever to get married.
"I know I should leave you alone now. But we're just so excited! I know you're excited, too." She said as Klaus did the same with her as he did with his probably half interested father. Y/n and Five faked excitement as the three of them left the room.

The door closed and Y/n shuffled away pulling herself in a sitting position. "Oh no..."
"What is it?" He asked pulling himself up too.
"Your mom is gonna feel so bad. She's going to feel so bad when we'll divorce, she's going to be heart broken," Her voice was half trembling in a rush, a rant. Five sighed and scooted closer putting his hand on hers. "This is a big deal for them..."
"They are not gonna find out, Y/n, they are not." His hand was warm on her's as she had the other one on her forehead.
"They might, Five, I don't think I can do this." She whined as she turned to look at him, he was really close, never had she seen him so close in private. His hair were a little messy and his expression was probably the softest she had ever seen on him before.

"They are not gonna find out, just relax," His voice was quite and he pulled a few strands of her hair in place trying to help her recover from the distress. "It's gonna be ok, they are not going to care."
She shook her head looking at the closed door from which his family entered and got out off.
"Breath, Y/n, it's ok, you keep the eyes on the price." He suggested as she looked back at him and breathed in deeply, once, twice, under the attentive eyes of his fake fiancée, and then nodded dully.
"Yeah..." She mumbled as he caressed the side of her head.
"You good?" She nodded replying with a smaller yeah, one that was a little weirded out by the affection he was giving, only now she noticed he was uncharacteristically physical with his reassurance. The air changed as soon as he too realized what he was doing.

"Let's get some tea..." She nodded as he withheld his hold on her.
"I better step up my cooking after this... they look great," She got up and shivered a second before walking around the bed to pour out some tea. "Keeping my mans happy should be a must." She joked.
Surprisingly he got up too and took a hold of the pancakes not really knowing what to do, he just wanted to help.
She looked at him as she filled the cups, almost over filling one.
"Y/n, be careful." That's what prevented her to make a mess, she gasped and set down the teapot chanting some sorries under her breath. Her mind was foggy for the first time in her life, never she would have thought to fake a marriage and help her boss fool the states and his, partially, lovely family.

He set down on the bed rolling up a pancake examining it before giving it a bite. She observed him doing so attentively, he stared back at her as he noticed.
"You know what," She huffed walking around the bed again followed by his gaze, she grabbed a few clothes and a towel. "I'm going to take a shower and I kinda feel like going outside."
She didn't let him time to say anything closing herself in the bathroom as he still munched on the pancake.

She sighed, deeply and for a good minute before looking at herself in the mirror, her hair falling on her just like it usually would in the morning, a little out of place, a little frizzy, She passed her hand through the strands trying to give them a nice look instead of the bed style. Then she massaged her face slightly sighing a second time.
"What the hell is happening? Am I imagining things? What is this feeling?" She said out loud like she was someone else talking to herself in the mirror, her reflection didn't respond obviously, this isn't a horror story.
"Am I being delusional? What is this anyway." She mumbled as she took out some cleanser to start her face routine, mind running one hundred a mile, she thought she could do this considering what's a stake for her but now she was less sure, she couldn't do dirty to these people, it wasn't in her moral book. Fuck his boss that got her into this mess, and fuck herself for agreeing to it.

Outside of that door Five set down the pancakes, he wasn't clueless of his actions, he was way more aware now than in the moment he did them. He comforted her not only with words but with touches too, her warmth still ghosting his fingertips and his chin, on his chest he could still feel the faint pressure of her hand and, before that, the breathing that would hit his neck before she'd wake up felt like it was still softly blowing.
Before he could formulate proper words Y/n got out of the bathroom in a pair of flare jeans, a white shirt and his flannel blue shirt she had taken by accident.
"I'll wear this, it keeps a lot of warmth." She stated as she rushed out the door of the room in search of her jacket.
"Alright..." Was the only thing Five could say in time.

She rushed down the steps and got the first jacket she found before opening the main door finding in front of the porch Five's siblings playing in the snow. One snow ball almost hitting her.
Amongst them there were two kids.
"Oi." Someone from the side called for her. She turned and spotted this girl with white hair, she had in her arms this big cloth burrito, there might have been a baby in there. And as she thought, something whined.
"Could you go grab another blanket? I'm scared this bean might get too cold."
Y/n looked around before pointing backwards with her thumb as a silent question.
"Yeah from inside genius." She mumbled before a Snowball almost hit her, coming from the battle field.
"Leave the poor girl alone Lila," Allison called with an amused tone as Diego exhaled a half laugh climbing the stairs leading to the porch. "Don't worry, Y/n, I'll go get it. She's Lila and that little burrito is Delila."
An: "oh" left her lips she looked at the woman named Lila and smiled.

As Diego walked in he almost bumped into his little brother, or at least he saw him as a little brother, they were all the same age.
"Hey lover boy." He joked as he walked passed him to the living room set to complete his task. From outside the voices grew a little louder and Five looked at the door before looking at his brother.
"What's happening outside?" He asked as Diego walked back with the blanked Lila asked for.
"Snowball fight, I suppose Y/n joined. Is she competitive? I would expect her to be since you like her so much you wanna marry her." Five pursed his lips looking at the door again.
"I suppose she is... I never noticed it actually." Why was he saying this to his stupid brother that got someone knocked up without future plans. Diego's eyes widened a little surprised, he would expect his brother to know everything about his future fiancée by now...
"Well... maybe you should start noticing it now? You are about to marry her..." Diego said as he walked away towards the door, a little scoff at the thought that his brother was unprepared for something. Five Hargreeves was never unprepared.

Five hummed grabbing a coat, he followed him outside not expecting such a chaos and to see his nieces and nephew. He forgot a little that it was Christmas' Eve.
"Uncle Five!!" The two little devils called as he walked down the steps ending in the snow, the two kids ready to tackle him down before they could do so Lila screamed and got him right in the face with a fist of snow.
"Right in the face. Ahhh." She Laughed out loud making the other siblings chuckle or stifle their laughs, even the kids laughed and ran away going back to either battle or make snowpeople.
"I hate you." He said cleaning up his face contemplating if he too should join the crowd of idiots he already defaeted in his childhood.
"Lilaaa be good," Diego said as he descended to go bug her. "also where's our daughter?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?"

The argument got lost in the battle and Five stood there looking at all of them playing like children, how stupid and happy they looked.
In the mix there was also Y/n, his future wife... fake-future wife. She was a little red in the face, hair sticking a little to the side of her face as she helped the kids with their aim and how to build a snow ball that doesn't break mid throw. Beside her there was a wooden crib with Delila sleeping peacefully, that's where Lila put his niece.

"Come on Five, are you joining? Feeling threatened?" Asked Victor as he avoided Allison relentless attack. Five scoffed kicking snow towards him. "As if..." but he didn't join he just smiled appreciating his family for once, at the end he still loved them all, he still loved the memories too.

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