Chapter 7 - Psychological Warfare

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"Yep." It wasn't even Five the one that confirmed, it was Luther... Luther!! Y/n smiled taking her fury coat off, holding it on her arms, a shy smile sent towards the still unknown people. She held her hand up as a hello and introduced herself. The blonde woman walked closer to her and hugged her, hands resting on her arms when she let go, caring smile painted on her face.

"Oh dear, so it was you on the phone. I'm so happy my boy is with someone like you." Her smile was more than contagious Y/n could not let the one in her own face drop. But she was a little confused. Her boy? Like... she meant that she was the mother of that boy, of Five Hargreeves? Of course he was older then a boy now. "My name is Grace dear."

"Nice to meet you," Replied Y/n, this was a phrase she used a lot and always came out naturally.
"You look so young." This one she hadn't really filtered before saying, she was just surprised cause this woman looked like she could be the oldest sibling but probably did not have 50 years old like Y/n thought she did.

A small laughter ringed from just beside her, a man in a really unique stile of clothes approached arms open. He hugged her too, smelled a little bit of rum but not too much.
"You really do know how to pick them Five." Said the man still hugging Y/n that was still holding her jacked and stood there taking in the fairly comfortable hug of this probably drunk dude.

"Shut up Klaus." Was Five remark turning around to see his brother hugging her fake fiancée.

"Uh, sod off. Nice too meet you. I'm Klaus, the always drunk brother." Klaus detached himself to a safe distance and smiled drunkly with his eyes a little squinted. Grace chuckled and grabbed him to go sit down apologizing in a whisper. Y/n shook her head silently telling her that it was alright, no harm was done and she actually appreciated the hug.

"Since introduction are starting. I'm Allison, I'm the sis." Said the tall black woman, beside her the smaller guy held his hand up much like Y/n had done.

"Hi, I'm Viktor."

Y/n bowed slightly, it was an unconscious movement as a greeting, as a 'yes', as a 'understood', as a lot of meanings. Five slightly rolled his eyes, he had this kind of not childish way to do it, it was not exaggerated or over dramatic, it was short and followed by a short sigh.

"Maybe we should go say, hi, to everyone?" Suggested Y/n, her voice clearly showing that she wanted to spend some time with her boss, his family perceived it as a cute couple thing, the two of them on the contrary needed this time to regroup and figure what to do after this 'surprise'.

So, after Grace strongly agreed with Y/n's idea, the two finally had some time to actually talk before going around and greet everyone.
"Let's cut the sarcasm towards me. People need to think that we are in love. So let's just... you know-" she held his arms tenderly. "-'Cause for me is no problem, I can pretend to be the doting fiancée, but you..." She said while looking at the big portrait in the second living room on the other side of the house where they decided to regroup.

"Very funny Y/n."

"When did you think about telling them we're engaged?" She blurted eyes still on the painting of this young Korean boy with his hair stiles in a academic way. She wondered who this was since none of his siblings looked like that.

"I'll pick the right moment..." He was interrupted by a couple from next door, they almost didn't notice he was there, thankfully for them Y/n always made him talk more than he needed too and his familiar voice caught their attention.

"Hey Five. Hi."

"Mrs McKittrick. How are you? Nice to see you," He smiled like he always did during business meetings with clients, it was a fake one but it was so practiced it looked genuine, Y/n could recognize it pretty well.
"Nice to see you too Mr. McKittrick." The two married neighbors walked up to them and the woman hugged Five with a bright smile while his husband gave a few pats on his shoulder. He allowed it with not much fuss having to keep the angel attitude with all the people around them to probably not give a bad impression of his house. Y/n wandered if he had to do that a lot during his vacations in here.

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