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The King's camp was not far from the little cottage I called home. The King took me through a few side paths to avoid entering the town square, carrying my large bag. He had taken it from me silently and swung it over his shoulder. I did not raise my voice to thank him, but internally I was grateful as it was rather heavy. I had not known what to pack, so my mother picked to the best of her knowledge. We walked in silence, my head bowed as though the brown dust and stones kicked up from my shoes was the most interesting thing I had seen that day. It wasn't long before I could smell the sweat and hear the growls and guffaws of several men. I involuntarily tensed as the noise grew louder with every step I took towards the camp. King Callan must have noticed as he attempted to place an arm around my waist and pull me into him, but I side-stepped him, wrapping my own arms around myself.

I didn't want his touch. Ever.

He dropped his arm, though I could see through the corner of my eye that he had balled up his fist. I didn't want to anger the King, but his touch right now sent panic flaring through my body. It felt as though I was on high alert, like a gazelle just waiting to be snared by the lion. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, all the while I pretended not to be noticing his every single move.

"We are almost back at camp," He spoke for the first time, gesturing just ahead with his hand.

The waving colours of navy blue and yellow were the first to catch my eye as I peered upwards with curiosity, the flag waving proudly atop the largest tent I had ever seen. King Callan waited for me to continue walking, his posture tall and imposing as he towered over me. His earthy, woodsy scent trailed from his body to my nose as he stepped even closer to me. I inhaled, finding it surprisingly pleasant. It sent a warm feeling through my body and although I tried to ignore it, something within me knew this would become a secret favourite scent of mine.

I would never tell him that. I had learned some things from my schooling and as young teenagers we had been taught some of the more modest and child-friendly aspects of Lycan life. One lesson touched on Lycan mates and although it went mostly in depth about how this partnership was bestowed upon Lycans by their Goddess, it did touch a little on the physical nature of the bond.

Namely, that it created an attraction and magnetism to each person like no other. The Lycan pair would find each other completely irresistible. They would fall in love and live happily ever after.

Any young girl would be infatuated with the idea. A handsome Lycan whisking them away to a life of love? It filled our impressionable heads with dreams and we had giggled about it for weeks. Unfortunately, the books and our teachers didn't exactly tell us the whole truth. Thankfully, an experience goes a long way, especially when it happens in a little village such as our own, and now we were much more aware of the dangers that the Lycan's possessed.

"Come, there is not much time to get you acquainted, but I will introduce you to some of the men whom will be protecting you." King Callan's voice broke me out of my thoughts and I had just enough time to look up and see a man striding towards us with a smile on his face.

"Callan!" He called, "This must be her!"

The man took my hand gently and placed a kiss upon the back, earning himself a warning growl from the King. Instead of looking scared, the man just grinned and gave him a hearty pat on the shoulder.

"My lady, my name is Lex. I am the Royal Beta and Callan's closest friend." He closed his hand into a fist and placed it across his heart. "You can trust me with your life for I would place it above mine and protect you at all costs. There is not a Lycan in this camp who would place their life above yours. We welcome you and thank the Goddess that you were given to Callan."

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