Usually, I would have closed the shop by now, but here I was, sitting, hopelessly hoping Gabriele would pop in unexpectedly. I found myself lost in the flickering flame of a vanilla-scented candle placed on a small table near the window, a touch of ambience usually reserved for special occasions. The anticipation of Gabriele's presence lingered, and I couldn't shake the peculiar mixture of excitement and apprehension.

The soft jingle of the doorbell interrupted my reverie, and my heart skipped a beat as I turned to see who had entered. To my surprise, it wasn't Gabriele but Zoe, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"You've got that look again," she teased, her grin widening.

"What look?" I replied, attempting to play it off with a nonchalant tone.

Zoe chuckled, taking a seat at the small table. "The 'I'm hoping someone special will walk through that door' look."

I rolled my eyes, attempting to deflect her observation. "You've been watching too many romantic movies, Zoe."

She leaned in, her expression serious. "Julie, I've known you forever. I can tell when something's up. Spill."

I sighed, realizing that Zoe wouldn't let it go. "Fine, I'm just... waiting to see if Gabriele might drop by. That's all."

Her eyes widened, and she nudged me playfully. "I knew it! You like him!"

"I didn't say that," I protested firmly, the truth about it far from my hand.

Zoe smirked knowingly. "Actions speak louder than words, Miss Julie. So, is this a casual, friendly hangout or something more?"

"I'm not pining after him, Zoe," I shook my head.

Zoe's gaze held a mixture of scepticism and amusement. "Julie, you can't fool me. I've seen the way you light up when his name is suddenly brought up in discussions. There's more to this than just a casual hangout."

I fidgeted. "We're just friends, Zoe. Nothing more."

She raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Friends don't usually wait with bated breath for each other. Come on, spill the details. What's really going on?"

I sighed, feeling the weight of Zoe's scrutiny. "Okay, fine. Maybe I enjoy his company. But that doesn't mean it's anything serious. I have Caleb, and Gabriele is just a friend."

Zoe's expression softened, and she leaned back in her chair, studying me with a thoughtful gaze. "Whatever you say, Julie. I've got to go home."

As Zoe left, the atmosphere in the bakery seemed to shift, settling into a contemplative quiet. The quiet ambience of the bakery enveloped me, and I couldn't help but glance at the clock, watching the minutes tick away.

I couldn't deny the truth Zoe had poked at - there was a certain eagerness in my heart, a longing for Gabriele's presence that lingered despite my attempts to dismiss it. I decided to wait a little longer, convincing myself that it was just a friendly gesture.

As the minutes ticked away, I moved around the bakery, tidying up and closing down the ovens, all the while stealing glances at the door with each passing moment. Was I being unreasonable in expecting Gabriele to show up?

Just as I began to resign myself to the possibility that Gabriele might not show up, the doorbell jingled, and my heart leapt. There he was, standing at the entrance with a warm smile that sent a ripple of emotions through me.

"Sorpresa sorpresa," he greeted, his eyes reflecting a genuine warmth. Surprise, surprise.

I couldn't help but return his smile, the awkwardness of our previous conversation momentarily forgotten. "Hey, Gabriele. What brings you here?"

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