What happened?

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I couldn't help it, I'm a huge romance fan, I just had to add some of it! This chapter is pure romance. Just have fun... If you can't read romance, go to the end, it's where something important happens, I think...!

Ryouji POV

We all ran to the main office. Normally, we would have left them but Agni was a really good friend of mine and probably the most accurate and helpful homework tool I have, yet also, Indulekha sounded so distressed, it felt so inhumane to not help out. As we all ran, I hated, some strange fear jolted through my heart. I start to turn back and yell to the rest of my crew, "I'll be there with the girls, you quickly go and call them." This felt like a mini mission, lol. I reach to the door and scream, "Hey Indulekha?" I moderately yell as there were other classes going on. There was no response. I yelled louder, "Indulekha!?" Still, no response. Was I hallucinating? I banged on the door. "INDULEKHA!?" What happened?  Was there something going on inside? Also, where is Agni, she never said anything so far? Were they okay!? I continue to bang on the door. My hands sore, they hurt like crazy but knowing that my friends were trapped inside felt quite uneasy for me. The other boys start running towards me, "I have literally been calling for them, I don't know why they aren't responding." I tell the rest of my gang.

"The vice principal is calling someone with the keys to open the door!" Achyut tells as we all bang on the door. Why were we all so worried? I knew that Agni was really close with everyone is my group but, was their bond so strong that it would leave them worried. A small spark of jealousy stampedes my heart. Some students walking in the hallways give us judgement filled stares, but I couldn't care less.

"Agni, are you in there? Indu?" Rohit screams, a teacher pokes her head out of the classroom. She stares us down and, quite rudely, demands us to quiet down. Just then, the vice principal speaks over the announcements,

"Shelter in place, I repeat, it is necessary to commence a shelter in place." The rude teacher closes her door once again without saying anything. What's wrong with her!? I make a mental note about it and make sure to tease the old lady after this situation. I finally see the vice principal and the  guy with the keys. We all move back in a group as if a car just passed by, in order to give them space. We wait impatiently as I explain how the situation was and how both of them never spoke after I ran back. Honestly speaking, Agni never really said anything, what if she used Agni's name just for the help!? I shake off the thought but still mentioned it. The sound of the door creaking as we opened the door was so suspenseful, I could hear my own heartbeat. But, there was something missing. Agni and Indu? What! where are they? I know we heard Indu scream. We enter the door although we shouldn't, the vice principal's face turned bright red as she thought we were lying. She stares at us and then,

"Look at the cameras! We swear we heard something!" Nick and Rohit mildly scream before she sighs and gives us a side glare before continuing.

"If there's nothing on the cameras, I'm giving you all a lunch detention" We all look at each other, then my twin brother, Rikuto, takes charge and agrees. Rikuto usually hangouts with another group of friends but, today everyone was together. Although I loved him, the thought of him being here today felt wrong, him saying that felt wrong, he just looked... wrong. Maybe it was that unknown feeling I couldn't call friendship nor couldn't be love. It was warm, everything about Agni just makes me smile. Well, everything, but this. As Nick and Rohit left with the vice principal, we continued to walk around. Suddenly, Rikuto screamed, he had just tripped over, but it wasn't over an object. We all stared as we saw parts of Agni's body and half of Indu's body fading, we just stood there till there was nothing but dust.

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