Chapter 3

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The next day, it was pretty much like one of those city airports when the bell rang. Students bustled into school all at once, all reluctantly going to their class, just wanting the day to be over already. A part of this was Jianhao , as he trudged through the corridors. Vincent was with Denise now, and it was still weird how they actually managed to date each other anyway. Like Denise literally hated Vincent!
When he did get to class, his usual spot, like normal, was taken by Vincent. Guess he had to sit next to Maddy again. Maddy was actually quite sweet, and he did feel bad because it was quite clear she liked Vincent. Well, she was someone who you could ask for help in science.
"Guys, be quiet..." The class did actually become pretty silent, as they waited for Miss Sherly to finish her sentence, even though it looked like she didn't want to. "Mrs Regna will be here in a second, with Mr Alan, to give you an inportant announcement. I will take your attendance as they do so."
Meanwhile, the class really wasn't as tensed up. The evil duo usually came into their class anyway, to say something like unacceptable or something like that. However, it was how tense Miss Sherly looked, which made Denise listen even more carefully. As if on cue, the door instantly opened, to reveal only Regna, who looked like she was done with everything.
Walking into the class, she gave a swift look over everyone as usual, and even though she noticed that half of the class wasn't wearing their uniform correctly, she really couldn't care less.
"Right, Class T1-T5, " she said in a tired voice, " as you know, Titan Academy is not the only school under the organisation's control. Therefore, we will be having the competition we have every 4 years, and this Academy is one of the 10 schools which have been selected. First, we will be having a series of tests starting from tomorrow to see which 250 students will be able to compete from this Academy. By the end of next week, we will have narrowed down 250 chosen people to 20. These 20 people will travel to a place where, for the next week or so, they will have to compete for Titan Academy to win." Noticing the groans from the class, she added, "If this school doesn't get in the Top 3, you will have an exam where those who failed are expelled."
At this, even Miss Sherly looked at Regna with worry. Whatever she was going to say next wouldn't be good. She was right.
"As part of this, if Titan Academy does end up in 2nd or 3rd place, out of the 20 people who competed, everyone will sit an exam, and only the person with top marks can stay and not get blacklisted across all schools in the country. If Titan Academy does win, then they will receive the trophy, but," she paused as she stared at Vincent, who was messing around. What they didn't know was that she was also catching her breath," Teams will compete against teams in their own school, eliminating 50 students each round. We will merge some teams together until there is a 1 v 1. This is where they will sit a set of tests and exams, and the winner will walk away with £1000, and the medal of OEC. Meanwhile, the first 250 students who lost will be expelled and blacklisted across all schools in the country, and the person who lost the 1 v 1 will also be expelled from the Academy."
At this, the class broke into a few whispers at the sheere harshness.
Knowing this, but having a few of her own questions, too, Denise put her hand up. Noticing, Regna looked at her and nodded slightly, giving her the indication that she could speak.
"What subjects will we be tested in?" The bright girl asked, her eyes having a glint of excitement at knowing that they would be having a series of tests.
  Sighing slightly, Regna replied, as if she was reading of an imaginary list, "You will be tested on your language, maths, science, english, sports, design, creative, and critical thinking skills."
Surveying the class, which was about to collapse in its silence due to how much stuff they were going to be tested on, Regna rolled her eyes and said, "For now, that will be all." Walking out of the room, she opened the door and walked out of it, knowing fully well that Alan would come soon. She could never avoid him.
  In the classroom, it was all uproar, and Miss Sherly just let it happen and just decided to organise all her textbooks. The students did have a valid reason to be angry.
Caught up in this moment, it went silent as Ren Yi Xiang started talking. Sometimes, he did have a point, but then that somehow turned into the weirdest and most wrong-sounding phrases you could ever hear. Even Teverly and Diana (who were a new addiction to T1-T5) had noticed this, and Diana had tried and failed to stop it.
"Guys, this is so unfair! We have to find a way to not do this. The organisation can't force us!"

Just at that moment, Alan walked into the room, quite annoyed that Regna had just gone and told them herself. Ah, well, he could just reinforce the rules or something. He'd already been embarrassed once. He didn't need it to happen again.
Not realising that the Head of Organisation was behind him, Ren Yi Xiang stood up and looked at the class, his back facing the front. He was going to give them a motivational speech because everyone looked really scared.
"Guys, don't lose any hope. We can do this! The organisation is nothing. They're just people telling us what to do! They're just mean people with nice clothes and a lot of money! And I bet anything that Mr Alan is quite stupid too, I mean, who says AcAdEmY like that??!!" As soon as he had mocked the word 'Academy', the class knew that all was lost, and even Teverly wasn't looking forward to what was going on next. As Ren Yi Xiang ranted on, Alan stayed quiet, and the class would reveal it eventually. And was it just him who was getting deja vu?
  Miss Sherly was looking up from her books and was shaking her head, wondering if Ren Yi Xian would stop. She would probably get punished as well, but that wasn't very important because the students would too!
Finally, Ren Yi Xiang realised that everyone was no longer looking at him and instead at a space behind him. Wondering what on earth was more interesting than his speech, he turned around see a fuming man looking at him, having heard his whole speech. Realising this, he slowly sat back down, gulping as he did so. He remembered the last time this happened, they gave the class more exams. They couldn't give T1-T5 even more now. Could they?
  Sighing, Alan crossed his arms and looked at the fear of everyone's faces before smirking.
Taking a breath, he began thinking about a worthy punishment...

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