Chapter 6

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"Right, Regna, let's look at the competition. So according to the files, the students will all take the 3 hour math test tomorrow?" Alan asked, as he flicked through his notebook.

At this, Regna murmured yes, as she also flicked through her notebook and got her pen out, so that she could finish writing down the dates of the tests. Meanwhile, Alan would just look on, he never understood how she did it, so he'd usually just wait until she'd done and then just agree to whatever she wrote. He had put an input that these tests should be back to back, to which Regna immediately disagreed to.

"But, sir-" Regna stopped herself, took a deep breath and continued, "but Mr Alan doing this will make it so that students won't have enough time to revise! The test scores will drop and-"

"And so, it will show us which students are the ones who truly deserve to enter in this competition, as they don't need to study as much!" Alan countered back triumphantly, choosing to ignore the fact that she had refused to call him sir.

At this, Regna sighed. She didn't want to deal with this anymore, they had already gone through an argument 20 minutes ago on sending Denise to another class. "Fine, but we'll give them a full day of revising after each test for the next one, and it'll only be...3 tests...actually no, scratch that its 4 including the design test, and then they'll be having a physical activity test."

Alan nodded and waited as she wrote down the dates in her notebook, realising that it took her way faster than normal. "Okay, so they have the math test tomorrow, English test on Monday since they'll have the weekend to revise, and the English one is the easiest, the science one on Wednesday, and then you want the design test and PE one on the same day, which will be Thursday. As you have said, the last 50 students who have scored the worst from the Math test will be eliminated, the last 46 students for the English, and the last 50 for who scored the science test, (which is the hardest one), last 50 for design test will all get eliminated as it goes by, so teachers have to be really quick and accurate with their marking. If they do the PE test, there will not be any rankings, its purely to see if they're going to be alright, and to see if we need a new PE teacher." Mr Dan underneath the table quietly scoffed and made a mental note to work harder, ". Plus, the Years doing it will be 2 and 3, which includes N4-T1, NA-T2, N4-T3, (N4-T4 has been taken down since it barely has any students) N4-T5, T1-T1, T1-T2, T1-T3, T1-T4 and T1-T5. That's 9 classes, all with about 216 students. Therefore, at the end, we'll have roughly 20-21 students left for Titan Academy's students to compete. After a week, then they'll go to the competition. Happy?" Regna said, slightly nudging Dan to be quiet under the table. She just had to hope that this meeting won't last for 4 hours like it did last week.

Surprised that Regna was not out of breath this time, Alan nodded, and then (just so that he could feel as if he was also doing some work) he asked, " do you know that the English test is the easiest and the Science test is the hardest?" He knew that she would usually create the papers, and that what he was asking was a pointless question, but what else could he ask. To be honest with himself, he knew with what grades she had graduated with, and knew perfectly well that really any paper was easy for her.

Looking at the man she had grown to dislike, Regna replied, "Because I created the paper and did it myself, obviously. I sneaked a few questions to Soot Beng and Sherly, they were able to do the questions, so they could probably teach it to the class." She knew fully well that she was exposing her plan to him, but he couldn't do anything about it anyway.

"Ok.." He copied down the dates in his book, while Regna reached behind her again and opened the compartment with her fingerprint, taking out what looked like it was a paper. "So, can I see the math pap-" Alan was caught of guard when she shoved it in front of him, and then resumed to look through her notebook, writing something down on a blank page.

Meanwhile, he scanned the paper. The questions at the front were ones which looked complicated but really weren't, but when he got to the 50th question, he saw that she had gradually made the questions get difficult until the last one (number 100) was extremely hard, he wasn't able to solve it. Not that she needed to know that. However, it was worth 6 marks, and with the paper out of 200 marks, the paper was very thick. Something to intimidate them then, good. He closed the paper and then realised that she was writing down something. He quirked his eyebrow at her and she replied that it was the name of all the schools participating in the competition.

Afterwards, Alan said, "Well, let's look at our future plans then!" Regna rolled her eyes in response and just nodded, the plans were getting complicated, but since Soot Beng, Sherly and Dan were under the table, at least they'd be able to listen to their plans and find a way to stop it. Whether they knew that she was on their side was something else, but they'd figure it out eventually. She hated having to shout at students every day.

Under the said table, Sherly checked the time and was shocked to see that it was 7:20 pm. They were in a dangerous spot, the meeting would last or a very long time, they might lock the door, and Dan was in the worst position ever! Soot Beng nudged her to listen, it seemed that they were talking about plans.

From above the table, Mr Alan said, "Well, something we need to do is make sure that we find a way to make Miss Siti lose her job!"

At this, Regna was startled, and exclaimed, "What?! We can't do that! The Academy will have no principal, it'll take ages to find a new principal! Plus, the students and teachers aren't fools, they easily realise that it's our doing." She paused, and then resumed, "Mr Alan Tan, if you do not look me in the eyes then I swear-"

Alan eventually looked up at her, and she searched his eyes, and then quite abruptly stood up. The teachers under the table drew back slightly, and were quite confused when she walked up to a camera (since when was there a camera?! They were screwed), reached up and shut it down. "Is that the only one?" Regna asked, searching around the room just in case. He nodded, and then said, "You've gotten better at reading my eyes."

She playfully rolled her eyes and remarked, "I've always been able to, it's just that your have been way more difficult to. Though, you're thankfully not as open as some people. If you were like that, your father would have figured us out in a second."

It was silent for a few minutes before Regna couldn't take it anymore. "Right Dan, Sherly and Soot Beng, get out from under the table." There was silence, as people under the table didn't know what to do while Alan looked at her as if she had gone crazy.

"You 3 teachers, if you do not come out from under the table-"

"Alright, alright, we're coming!" Soot Beng exclaimed, and then she and Sherly crawled out from under the table, causing Alan to be quite surprised.

"It's only 2 teachers Regna, what were you talking about with Mr Dan?"

At this, Regna yelped and jumped out of her chair, to find Dan crawling out, and Sherly and Soot Beng to exasperatedly watch.

After he finally straightened himself up, he saw Regna staring at him, panting. "Oh...uh..h-h-hi R-r-re-gna!" He grinned, blushing slightly, causing Regna to stand back slightly and Alan to stand up protectively.

Noticing this, Soot Beng said, "Hang on...are you two dating?"


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