Chapter 5

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In Titan Academy, it was 6pm. In the staff room, teachers were packing up. Most of them had finished marking papers, and the people who hadn't  (like Miss Sherly) were almost finished and only had to grade a few more papers. No one really wanted to stay back, but Miss Sherly and Madam Soot Beng seemed to be hanging back, waiting for everyone to go.
"Guys, are you not going to leave yet?" Miss Sofia asked, as she tightened her bag.
"Uh, we'll be right with you.." Sherly replied, impatiently looking at the watch. Finally, the last person closed the door and Sherly and Soot Beng were by themselves (or so they thought)
"This isn't exactly against the rules, is it? I mean, it is usual that we leave at 6, but its not like its in the rules, so they can't punish us, right?" Sherly ranted on, worrying about what they were going to do.
"Look, Sherly, I think we'll be fine, plus they usually say to us that we should be out by 7pm, and we have an hour. But, yeh, we'll probably end up staying here past 7, so we'll have to be really careful."
"What are you two planning?"
The two teachers almost screamed and turned around to see...oh, it was just Mr Dan. He looked miserable, and a glint in his eyes told them that he wanted to be part of this plan.
"Wha- Mr Dan, aren't you supposed to be cleaning, and- well- no, we're not going to tell you the plan!" Soot Beng exasperatedly said.
"Yeh, about the cleaning...well Regna called me into her office this morning, and she said that I didn't need to do it anymore. So yeh. Oh, and please can I join?" He whined the last part, making Sherly even more disgusted and unwilling to let him on.
"Great Dan, congrats that you don't need to clean anymore, but I don't think we can let you in on the plan!"
"Oh come on, I have nothing else to do, you know very well I sleep in the cupboard at school, I'll know you're here,  and I won't have anything to do! I also know a few shortcuts!"
At this, the two faltered slightly, "Oh fine, Dan, you can join us, but you have to be really quiet. Now come here, so we can tell you the plan!"
Celebrating silently, Dan came over, and said, "So what's your plan?"
"Ok, so what we're going to do is stay back, and head into the organisation's office if we're early,  we can look around you know, and see if there's any useful information we can use to take down the organisation! Also, today is a Thursday, so that is the day Mr Alan and Mrs Regna will have another one of those private meetings, so we'll be able to listen in on them! If we're a bit late, then its fine, since we can wait until they've left and then go into the office!" Soot Beng explained, with Sherly adding in some details.
"Great plan! Uh...what time is is right now?"
Sherly checked her watch, " It's 6:20pm, we might as well get going, they might start their meeting early."
And so, the trio tiptoed down the corridors, with Mr Dan leading the way. Since he lived at the school, he easily managed to find his way around in the dark, and so guided the other two around.
"Watch out for the corner there, yep, there's a bin to your right Sherly, careful of that... scan your card here, ok..."
Finally, after 10 agonising minutes, they made it into the office. It took them much longer since if they headed the wrong way or tripped over, they could be discovered. There was also a lot of security in front of the organisation's stuff. Finally, they were near the oak door, and Dan peeped in. There was no one inside.
Whispering to Sherly and Soot Beng, he creeped inside, and made room for the other two. Now, this room was majestic. There were a few paintings along the wall, and a lot of chairs. The table was freshly polished, and to the left, there were photos and documents, with a whole set of drawers, which could hold some information. Nearer to the back, there was a room saying Archive, most likely where they should look first, and probably the room with the most information. The light was thankfully already on, and so the only thing they needed to do was start searching. Quickly, they scrambled through, and searched through cabinets, tables and drawers, making sure to try and leave everything as it was.
However, a lot of stuff was locked, and no one could possibly own the key. Of course the organisation was ready if anyone tried to break in. Soot Beng exclaimed, "There is nothing we can find in this room if we want to be unsuspected! Let's just look into the Archive room, maybe there's something there?"
  Agreeing, they walked into the room (thankfully it was unlocked) and looked around. There was the school safe almost directly in the entrance, but no one really knew the password to it. Therefore, Soot Beng quickly went over there to see if she could crack the code, Sherly went to look at a cabinet in the corner, and Dan went on guard to warn if anyone was coming.
Only after a while, Soot Beng entered 0000 and managed to open the safe. It was a bit suspicious on how it was so easy, but that wasn't something to dwell on. She looked through it, and found a document showing all the schools participating in the competition. Muttering to herself, she quickly brought her phone out and took a picture of it, before returning it roughly to its original spot. As she searched through the safe, she found the blue folder containing the results from about 2 years ago. She didn't need to take a photo of that. Scrambling through the blank papers, she managed to find papers about all the students, and if they were expelled or not. Her mouth gaped open. How on earth did the organisation find this? And there's some about the teachers too??!! Are they stalking us?

 She shook her head; she couldn't get distracted, as that would just lead to them probably getting captured. Just like before, she snapped pictures of all of it, and discovered that the papers were only about students of Class T1-T5, and Class N4-T1, and of the main teachers. She still felt quite weird. She now had private information about her students and fellow colleagues on her phone. Mr Dan apparently had severe financial problems, Sherly had a boyfriend who didn't pay proper attention to her and... the organisation knew everything about James! It wouldn't be surprising if she found out that they were stalking people. Apparently JianHao and Vincent were the cause of the fire...not actually weird. In the end, she managed to finish taking clear photos, and was just tidying them up into a neat pile.

  Behind her, Sherly was searching through the cabinet in vain. The only thing worth taking photos of in there was some shiny wedding ring (why did the organisation need a ring?!), and then some trophies schools under the organisation had acquired. As she closed the door, Mr Dan yelped out, "Guys, I can hear someone coming! Quick, quick!!"

 Realising what was going on, Soot Ben just shoved the papers into the safe and shut it, quickly locking it. For a few seconds, they were in the middle of the room, stuck on where to hide, before they heard heels clacking. Great. Thankfully, they (and it seemed that there was another person with them?) heard that it was coming from the back door from the Archive Room, and so sprinted back into the Organisation's meeting room, and managed to slide under a table before listening to the voices in the Archive Room.

"...And then staying back after your afterschool detention to search through my private office! You, girl, are in severe trouble!" Mrs Regna yelled, as it seemed that she was fuming at whoever she was speaking to. However, she was just merely a good actress...and was used to hurting her vocal chords. 

"Well...Mrs Regna, I knew something is fishy about the organisation, and it seems that I have found it!" the girl (who appeared to be Tasha) triumphantly replied, knowing that she was probably going to get expelled.

"I- oh my gosh- this school is just- right, yes you seemed to have found that piece of information," Regna spat out, "but it also seems that you are a bit too much of a detective, apparently you figured out that there was an organisation before anyone else did! Therefore, as Mr Alan says, it is dangerous to have you at our school!"

"What are you going to do?" Tasha fearfully asked, she knew she was going to get expelled, but knowing it didn't exactly put any good light on the situation itself. 

"Well- I..." Regna trailed off as she heard footsteps coming through, and then she rolled her eyes when she figured out who it was, much to Tasha's surprise. 

Alan appeared and said, "Well, we will obviously be expelling you Tasha, and blacklisting you across all schools!" Quickly, he nodded at Regna, who reluctantly went to the safe and opened it, making sure that Alan didn't realise she had changed the code. This was the second person from T1-T5 who they had expelled face to face, and probably the 20th person in the whole school. As she looked through the safe, she paused. The folder was near the back of the safe, even though she knew perfectly well that she had placed it in the front when they expelled that kid from T1-T1. Surreptitiously looking to the side, she saw Soot Beng's eyes peeking from under the table, and widening as their eyes met each other. Well, that explained it.

 To Soot Beng's surprise, Regna didn't say anything and merely just took the folder out and gave it to Alan. Regardless of Tasha's pleas, Alan cruelly stamped with the 'Expelled' stamp on Tasha's page, laughing as he sent her out, to Regna's disgust. After, he gave it back to her, and she just carried it with her instead of putting it back into the safe. They might as well just use it in their meeting now that it's out.

 Without a word, Alan and Regna made their way into the meeting room, with Regna motioning to Soot Beng to move back. Alan sat at the head of the table, and Regna sat on the closest seat, not failing to glare at him as she did so. Meanwhile, Regna realised that Dan was pretty much under her seat, and shifted uncomfortably, which didn't escape Alan's eyes. He raised his eyebrow at her and she shook her head, indicating she was fine, when she really wasn't. Quickly, she leaned behind her, and opened a secret box with her fingerprint, before taking out two notebooks, with the pages filled with the organisations' plans.

And so...with Sherly and Soot Beng under the table, and Dan under Regna's seat, their meeting began...

I think thats the longest chapter yet :) 1877 words! What do u think is gonna happen next?

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