Chapter 6 - Preparations

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"Listen, I understand that this is a very important thing that needs to be done as soon as possible, but I need to process this entire day." I told the red head as I stood up from the bed.

A.A. looked back at me with disdain. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, sir. I am completely and utterly serious. This is a hell of a lot to take in on my very first day here." I sighed as I looked over to Luz, trying to get some of his help.

"Sir, if we let Hikari rest for the rest of the day, I'm sure the start of the program would be an even bigger success. Let's give her until noon tomorrow, it will give me time to gather up the documents and we can discuss the next steps afterwards." Thank goodness this blond man knew his way around with his words. It seemed as though A.A. received his words well once his smile came back.

"A fantastic plan. Well, get to it!" He said as he motioned for the man to get up and start working on what was just said.

Once the red head left the room, I stared at Luz again. "So, can I meet you in the lobby later tonight so you can show me to my room?"

The blonde rolled his eyes before starting to walk away. "You have until 10pm. After that, I'm heading home."

"Got it, dad." I chuckled before he shot me a glare and I straightened up. "Alright alright, no dad jokes."

"Just don't get into trouble, there's a lot more problems you'll run into than just the infected." With that, Luz had walked out of the room which left me to wander.

Before I found my way out of the corridors and near the lobby exit, I looked up at the large clock above the front desk. "Okay... it's 5PM." That would be more than enough time to get something to eat and walk around the vicinity to get a proper handle on the surroundings.

Once outside, I knew that I had to find a place to eat. Being in those tests built up an appetite and anything sounded good. That's when I remembered along the way when Luz had been leading the way to Goetia LTD, there was a place where restaurants were nearby. I started to retrace my steps, walking about five blocks away where I could see food shops along the streets. One that particularly stood out was a ramen place with an arch that seemed to be something that could have been plucked right out of the old world. Along it, there were modern carvings along with swirls and hearts. That's when I realized, this was a type of place that catered more to couples.

"Ugh, that's great." I muttered under my breath as I walked into the restaurant. It may have been for couples, but that didn't mean I had to be one to eat there. The food smelled decent and the prices luckily weren't going to hurt my pockets. Though, there was a deal going on about a bowl for two. "Wow, now that's a steal–" I said to myself, humming softly afterwards as I thought of what I could do since there wasn't a way to properly get that deal unless I had someone else with me.

That was when someone had placed their hand on my shoulder, I had immediately used my right hand to grab their wrist and twist it slightly. When I looked up and saw the stranger's violet eyes, my grip tightened just a bit.

"Hey now, there's no need to be so hasty." The white haired man said, that was when I remembered that I wasn't in Goetia at the moment and immediately let go.

Heat rushed into my cheeks as I clasped my hands together and bowed a bit. "I am so sorry! I'm just a bit on edge right now. I hope I didn't hurt you–" I said quickly before looking up at the man again.

The tall man just chuckled before rubbing his wrist slightly. "It takes quite a bit to properly hurt me, but that's something you don't have to worry your little head about."

I rolled my eyes before a smile formed on my lips slightly. "Ahhh, I see. Well, for someone so tall I bet I could do a lot of things you wouldn't expect from little ol' me." I half joked as I took a step forward, waiting for the cashier to motion for me to order.

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