Chapter 5

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I hear a sigh softer than the wind on a breezeless day. "How'd you get here?" A soft-spoken male voice questions. Two fingers snap, and a subtle light fills the chamber.

My eyes are immediately drawn to the man that stands in the center of the room. He is in a black suit, and a white collar peeks out at his neck. I didn't make it very far, maybe only fifteen feet away.

I flitch backwards when I notice the black misty tendrils floating and wrapping around his body. They are identical to the ones that killed Andrew. The tendrils ribbon around this man's arms and legs, constantly moving. I stare as one seems to enter then pass through his skin. The man seems to not notice, and instead takes a step toward me. I take a sharp inhale then let out a tiny whimper at the burning in my ribs. Seeing my terror, the man pauses his advance and holds up both his hands in sign of peace. "How did you get here?" he repeats his previous question.

"I... I don't know. I don't know how I got here." I continue rambling "I was at the Checker Diner for breakfast. Then, I was being dragged by some creature, so I jumped in the water to get away and found this cave..." I pause mid sentence and think about how ridiculous I sound. I look beyond his outstretched hands and up to his face. Despite the subtle light in the chamber, his face is mostly hidden in darkness. Wisps of black hair frame his forehead. From what I can see of his face, he appears human. Unless you count the translucent ribbons weaving in and out of his skin.

"Oh. So you teleported then?" A tendril caresses the man's face, almost licking at his cheek. His hand reaches up to push the tendril aside as if irritated by a nuisance.

"What? No, I don't know how to do that."

"Well, if you were at the Checker Diner this morning, then you teleported here," he says with a twinge of humor in his voice.

I brush some of the stones off my hands and say, "No, I was just eating breakfast with my friends. I can't teleport places."

How did I get here? I was eating pancakes. I got mad at Sarah and walked outside. But then what?

"Ahhh. Yes I see, you can't be here because you can't teleport. Makes perfect sense to me. My mistake." He shrugs and continues, "But where is here exactly?"

"I... I don't know," I say confused, and mentally curse myself for all my stuttering. "We are in a cave or something," I state the obvious.

"Yes, you teleported into the Labyrinth, I'm guessing you were aiming for somewhere in Europe?"

Europe? That's across the ocean. The man holds out his hand. "Come on, let's go somewhere a little more friendly and less damp."

Walking around in the dark with a complete stranger does not seem ideal. It is brighter than before, but I can still barely make out the stone walls around me. I eye his hand with suspicion, and slowly stand up, supporting myself with my right leg. "I think I can find my way." My body trembles from discomfort and the frigid air. Now that he's mentioned the dampness, my mind is drawn to the fact that I am beyond freezing. My clothes are heavy against my skin, as if water droplets have found a home in them. My entire body aches beyond the burning pain in my left leg and ribs.

He chuckles, "While I'm sure you think you are capable of getting out of here, it is much safer for you if you come with me. There are other creatures much worse than Anthony lurking around here. Although, unlike him, they bite first and ask questions later."

He seems helpful, and if I'm being honest with myself, I don't want to be here alone, and I'm not sure my body would let me get far. I take one step forward and search his face for his eyes, trying to gauge if he is going to hurt me. As if knowing what I'm trying to do, the room seems to brighten ever so slightly, just enough that I can see his eyes.

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