Episode 3

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I hear buzzing from my phone so i picked it up and it was Logan texting in the group chat
Logan:"Everyone ok?"

Brooklyn : "Totally."
Aiden:"Lol that was close."
Brooklyn:"I seriously think you need to go get therapy."

Taylor:"physically yes."
Tyler:"Mentally no."
Ben:"Did anyone finish the homework?"

I look back at the unfinished homework on my nightstand and  honestly homework was the last of my priorities right now

Ashlyn:"Screw it."
{Ashlyn's POV}
I grab my backpack and tried to copy Aidens work before the bus got to my   house . We heard the bus drive up and quickly ran out of the house and get on the bus with Aiden and Ben.
{Brooklyn POV}
My eyes were droopy and my limbs hurt as i got into the bus. The boys sat behind me and Ash. "Are you sure these are correct?" I asked Aiden suspiciously "of coarse ! I did those before the "Stuff" happend." After a few minutes of arguing we got to school my friends and i stood at the entrance of our classroom.
"Goodmorn-ing?" Mr Thomas asked. Me and Aiden crepily smiled at him.We used to be so productive now its the complete opposite.
"Everyone get out your homework please."
My legs could barely keep me up as i sat down slumped my back and laid my head down and closed my eyes. I got woke up by the bell.
"I must have slept through class again looks like the others did too at this rate we are all going to fail." I thought as I got up and stood with the others.
"Ashlyn!" I yelled at her which seemed like she was staring at her book. "We're all eating lunch together."
I still smiled." You know to talk about "stuff."Aiden finished my sentence
"Alright." Ashlyn said as she got her stuf and walked to the cafeteria with us.
We sat down in the very loud cafeteria. 
"Hey guys ill be back im just going to the bathroom." I say as i take out a hoodie from my backpack "Ok" the group said as i walked to the bathroom. I get to the bathroom and thankfully ther was no one in there. I get in a stall and shut the door and sit in a corner with my hoodie on and my knees to my chest and start zoning out while my eyes start tearing up

{Ashlyns POV}
"Hey brook has been in there for a while maybe you and Taylor should check on her."
Aiden says. "Ok." Me and Taylor both say as we get up from the table . We head to the girls bathroom and we see Brooklyn  come out of the stall with a red face and eyes
She haven't saw us yet so we quietly walk back to the table

I calmed down and came out of the stall and washed my face with cold water put my hood up and walked out walking to the table I sit down with my  eyes looking down  so no one can tell that ive been crying. The whole group just kinda stared at me until Ash gave them the "Leave her alone." Kinda look shes always been pretty protective over me so it's nothing new.

"So we were thinking about going back to Savannah.Tyler spoke up. " here we go again."  I rolled my eyes. "What we should!" He eyed me. "I thought everyone agreed it was too dangerous?" Logan questioned. Tyler looked his way. "so what? We're just supposed to let things stay the way they are? "I'd rather be semi-stuck then permanently stuck." I said mumbling under my breath

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