Episode 6

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                       {Before Savannah field trip}
[After school]
I get home put my stuff down and see that dads not home I go to the fridge and see a note that says
"Im going to be on a work trip I'll be back in  a month or two." I mean it's nothing new  he's always gone plus it will be good to get a break from the smell of alcohol. I think as i go upstairs and lay in my bed scrolling on TikTok. As I get a message

[Ben] "hi this is Ben hope it's ok I got your number from Aiden."

[Brooklyn] "yea that's fine ."

[Ben] "ok cool also r u alright you looked tired at school lol."

[Brooklyn] "yea I'm ok just didn't get good sleep last night lol."

[Ben] "ok then just making sure."

[Brooklyn] "ok thx Ig lol."
I wake up back at my house I get up and go to the box with weapons I get a gun and some extra bullets a bat and a pocket knife and walk out the door getting on my bike I start going down the rode at I hear 7-8 phantoms behind me I quickly pedal faster thinking I could lose them [1 hour later] I look behind me and I did lose them I look around at everything around me and it's changed "crap I must've gone too far" I think as I start to back up to go back I realize I'm at the edge of a cliff I hear something behind me and slightly turn my head and start pedaling away from it thankfully I was able to get away from the cliff the thing that was behind me was something I never saw before it looked like a very big centipede I pedal as fast as I can trying to get back to the house as I'm at seeing distance of the house my watch goes off and I sprint up in bed..again. In another cold sweat I get my phone and turn on some music as I stare at the ceiling trying to think about what just happened
[in the morning]
I get up on time for once get a hoodie on and some black sweatpants and my converse on and head downstairs getting some coffee and putting my slip for the field trip in my bag and my energy drink I grab my coffee, phone, phone charger,  my AirPods ,and my backpack as I leave the house. I get on the bus head down hood up AirPods in as I sit down next to Ashlyn (we were sorta friends in a way I'm pretty much the only sorta friend she's had)"Im really not ready for tonight what if that thing kills me I can't fight it on my own i don't know what I'm going to do."my thoughts got interrupted by ash calling my name "Brooklyn." Ash says a little bit loud making me jump a bit "sorry." I say "it's ok we're at school ." Ash says I just nod and follow her off the bus drinking half on my coffee "hey are you okay?" "Yep I'm fine." I say not having eye contact "are you sure?"
"Ash I said I was fine!" I say snapping at her "wait no I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I say stopping mid sentence to see her not there and entering the school i sigh and walk in with my head down and hood up hiding the tears in my eyes

I get to class and sit down with my head pounding and my shoulder hurting  I lay my head down on the desk as I hear Mr.Thomas talking I close my eyes and fall asleep. RINNNGGGGG!!!! I hear the bell "crap I slept through class again...it's whatever." I think getting my bag and going to lunch I sit down getting a monster from my backpack and drinking it as I see someone standing near my table I thought it was ash at first but it was Ben he types something on his phone and shows it to me "is it okay if I sit here?"i nod my head as he sits down it was quiet but a bit comforting I still don't understand why he doesn't talk but that's really non of my business he gets out his phone "why aren't you sitting with the group?" "Oh I just didn't really feel like it." I say finishing my monster "ohh ok." I nod as the bell rang me and him get up and go to class mainly because we have math together
I get to class and sit down my seat was next to bens I lay my head down as the teacher was talking and Ben passed me a note "you alright?" I get my pen and write back "yea I'm fine just tired." And pass it back to Ben he just looks at me and nods as I look at my desk and zone out

[After school also 12:00]
"Crap I'm wait I'm back I'm at the house wait does that mean the monster is still?" I think as I look at the window not seeing anything then I hear a big crash "Crap!! It's still here" i stop looking out the window and I go to the basement putting all the things I need in there "if the monster breaks the house then I can still go to the basement.....Hopefully" I sit for a few minutes trying to think of what to do and how I can kill this thing 15 minutes later and still nothing "well I have to do something I can't just sit here and do nothing goodness gracious this is so frustrating!!" I say quietly while hitting my head with my fist (like that's going to work) I few more hours go by and it was a few seconds before my timer goes off I lay on the couch closing my eyes and falling asleep just as I fell asleep I got sent back to the regular Dimension.

Along with the phantoms (Brooklyn x Ben)Where stories live. Discover now