Episode 4

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"We'll maybe if you would've told us the truth from the beginning we wouldn't be stuck at all!" Tyler said blaming me.
"I already explained why I didn't-" i said before Aiden cut me off "Arnt you the one to talk." Stopping his structure to speak. "Your the one that brushed it off as a prank and walked off ." He smiled at Tyler " If she had said anything would you have believed her?" "With your personality i seriously doubt it. Aiden said with a smirk on his face turn out he took it too far.
Tyler slammed his hand o the table. "Wether I would've believed it or not she should've said something!
Everyone started getting worried he started to yell out all of our experiences in our nightmares and i swore Every. table. was staring at us.
"Now were stuck in some demonic dimension running away from flesh-eating deadly creatures, I've lost count of how many near death experiences I've had, none of us has slept in days we cant tell our parents or any-!"
When we didn't expect it Ben banged his fist on the table making me and everyone flinch. Ben then put his index finger to his lips signalizing Tyler to be silent and aware of the people around us.
Tyler sat down and mumbled to us "if we don't go back to Savanah where this cycle began then what else are we suppose to do?"
I looked at my untouched food thinking of an explanation but nothing came to mind i felt every knot in my stomach twisting of ever knowing if we would stop going into our other dimension.

Along with the phantoms (Brooklyn x Ben)Where stories live. Discover now