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*Carly, Sam, and Spencer set off to find a nearby restaurant to refuel and celebrate their successful Christmas shopping mission. As they drive, they share laughter and discuss their plans for the evening. Little do they know, surprises await them as the holiday spirit continues to unfold.*

*Back at the apartment Freddie returns with Millicent to surprise Carly*

Freddie (whispering to Millicent): "Millicent, Carly is going to be so surprised when she walks in and sees you and me. She has no idea I'm home yet."

*Meanwhile, Carly, Sam, and Spencer continue their dinner, oblivious to the heartwarming surprise awaiting them at home.*

Freddie (smiling): "I missed you too, Millicent. Having you back for Christmas is going to make it extra special. What do you want to do while you're here?"

Millicent: "I want to help with the surprise for Carly, and maybe we can decorate the apartment together. I missed you and Carly a lot."

Freddie: "That sounds like a plan. We'll make it a festive homecoming for Carly.

Millicent: "sounds good dad"

Freddie (excited): "Now, let's get everything ready. Carly is in for the best surprise ever."

*Freddie and Millicent  share a heartwarming moment, eager to create cherished memories for the holiday season.*

Millicent (grinning): "Freddie, Carly is gonna be so happy when she sees you. It's the perfect surprise!"

Freddie: "I hope so. I've been looking forward to this. And with you back for the holidays, it's going to be even better."

Millicent: "She's gonna love it, Dad. I missed you both so much. Let's make this the best Christmas ever!"

Freddie: "Absolutely, Millicent. Together, we'll make it unforgettable. Now, let's finish setting up the surprise. Carly should be back soon."

*Freddie and Millicent continue their preparations, anticipating Carly's reaction to the heartwarming surprise.*

Freddie (smiling): "You're right, Millicent. Decorating the tree is something Carly and I wanted to do together, especially since it's our first apartment. Let's wait for her to get back."

Millicent: "Good idea, Dad. It'll be a special moment for all of us. What else can we set up in the meantime?"

Freddie: "How about we arrange some festive lights and ornaments around the living room? We can create a warm, Christmassy atmosphere for Carly's homecoming."

Millicent: "Perfect! Let's make it cozy and magical. Carly is going to love it."

*Freddie and Millicent continue to deck the halls, infusing the apartment with holiday cheer while eagerly awaiting Carly's return.*

       *Meanwhile back at the restaurant*

Sam: there something at the apartment for you Carly

Carly (impatiently ): what is it Sam tell me?

Sam (grinning): "Carly, I can't spill the beans, no matter how much you ask. It's a surprise, and you'll find out soon enough."

Carly (playfully): "Sam, you're killing me with curiosity. Just a tiny hint?"

Sam: "Not a chance. Trust me, it's worth the suspense. We'll head back after dinner, and all will be revealed."

Carly (laughing): "Alright, alright. I'll try to contain my curiosity. But you better not be hyping this up too much!"

Sam: "Oh, it's hypeworthy, Carly. Just you wait."

*Carly chuckles, knowing that Sam's keeping a secret, but the anticipation adds an extra layer of excitement to their celebratory evening.*

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