but it's (yukon) golden

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At first, she thought the knocking emanated from a terribly annoying dream, but with every second of blooming consciousness Louise realized it was no figment of her imagination.

She groaned, eyes peeling open slowly then blinking at the new morning. The sheets rustled to the left of her. Glancing at Logan, whose furrowed eyebrows nearly took over his face, she snickered.

"People pretending to sleep don't usually look that angry."

"'S not my fault," he grumbled. "It's been going for like... a million minutes."

"So what time does that make it?" Louise asked, figuring he had been on his phone already.


Her eyes snapped out of their half-lidded state. "In the morning?! Who the hell is knocking on our door at seven in the morning?"

"It's the first Saturday in December. Who do you think?" Logan, still refusing to open his eyes, shuffled closer and pulled at her waist. She sunk into him, enjoying being spooned as he kissed her neck in that perfectly lazy way reserved only for weekend mornings.

And another damn knock rang out.

Louise balled up her fist and punched her pillow.

"Go make it stop," she demanded.

She felt his "Nmn" rumble from his chest and down her back.

"Mmhmm," she replied.



"Nn" "Mm" "nnNNn" "mMmMm"

When they both hummed the same note over each other to see who would last longer, Louise cracked first, unable to resist snorting at the absurdity. Logan followed suit.

"I think that means you lost, shortstack. Go tell off Annie." She didn't move, so he continued. "You're just so much scarier than I am."

"Keep talking."

"And so brave and cutthroat and beautiful-"

"Alright alright, enough of that," Louise sighed. "I'll go. Just move back. I can't get out of bed if you're wrapped around me like this."

Logan didn't budge. Shuffling, scooting, and otherwise wiggling to freedom proved fruitless.

"Seems like... maybe you don't want me to get out of bed?"

Before he could respond, the knocking resumed. He sighed long and heavy against her neck, finally giving in and loosening his grip.

"Every day I am in awe of your strength and sacrifice," she said, sarcasm dripping from every word.

He replied by poking her one ticklish spot. With an involuntary laugh, she moved away and pointed at him menacingly. The warning was wasted as the potato still hadn't opened his eyes.

Gathering up all of her courage and the edge of the covers, Louise heaved herself up only to meet Jack Frost's frozen testicles slapping her in the face. She yelled and buried herself back under the blankets. "Nope, no, absolutely not. Too cold."

Annie, or at least who they assumed was their apartment manager here to drag them into holiday shenanigans again, continued to relentlessly knock.

Logan sniffed. "Is that... is she knocking Carol of the Bells?"

"Carol of the Nine Hells more like," Louise grumbled, hiding under her pillow.

"She's just going to keep at it. Remember that time she needed Victor to sign a release form?"

"She camped outside for four days." With a sigh, she emerged partially from her cocoon. "Okay, tell you what. How about we both go? That way we can suffer together."

It was Logan's turn to sigh again, but he finally cracked his eyes open. Morning had a way of making an honest man out of liars, and she watched him melt at the sight of her, genuine and soft. They stared at each other in silence for a moment, then he leaned in. She met him halfway for a quick kiss. When they broke apart, he groaned and prepared to get up.

"Fiiiine. On the count of three?"

"Works for me."

"One." "Two." "Three."

Logan all but fell out of bed, joints popping as though arthritis would be killing him in the next couple of hours. He stretched to the sound of more popping, blinked the sleep from his eyes, and looked back at her.

Louise had failed to move and, if possible, snuggled even deeper into the mattress.

"You witch," he accused, grabbing a pillow and hitting at the general area of her butt. "You tricked me."

"This isn't the first or last time; you knew what you were getting into, idiot." Her gloating paused to shoo him away. "Now get rid of Annie."

"Ugh, fine. But when I get back I want to be the little spoon."

Louise hummed in acquiesce, shuffling the blankets so there was a spot for him to slip back into. When she finished and settled in, the only visible parts of her were a mess of black hair and the tiniest hint of a smirk.

As he left their bedroom, Logan wondered how he was supposed to scare away anyone with the dopey smile he couldn't drop.

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