Chapter 6 : Eternal Allure

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Aurelius shot me that look – you know, the 'you're in trouble again' look.

"Just doing my Reaper thing, Aurelius," I shrugged. "Met this girl, Ava. Vortem got nosy."

Aurelius eyeballed Ava. "Psychevist, huh? Well, this Purgatory trip just got interesting."

As we continued, Ava whispered, "What was that drama about?"

"Vortem's a troublemaker, loves chaos. Aurelius is the old guardian keeping things in check," I spilled the beans. "We're almost at Purgatory, where the real stuff begins."

Ava clutched my hand like she was hanging on for dear life. "Is it always so spooky here?"

"Purgatory's got its vibe," I smirked. "Stick with me, and we'll get you sorted."

At the gates, a spectral guide appeared. "Ethan Mortis, new recruit?" he asked.

"Sup, Mitch. This is Ava. Special edition," I replied, giving the guide the side-eye.

Mitch nodded knowingly. "Follow the cosmic yellow brick road."

Ava looked around, taking in the surreal scenery. "Not exactly what I expected."

As Ava strutted towards Purgatory's entrance, cosmic vibes and all, Mitch raised an eyebrow. "Hold up, Ava. We got a little hiccup here."

I shot a puzzled look at Mitch. "What's the issue?"

Mitch squinted at Ava. "One-eye wonders usually don't make the cut. In other words, they aren't whole. Cosmic rule, you see. Every lost soul should come in Purgatory in one piece. "

Ava tilted her head, confusion written all over her face. "Wait, what? What's wrong?"

I sighed. "Seems the cosmic bouncer isn't a fan of your single purple eye. Apparently, it's a two-eye-color club."

Ava rolled her eyes, the one she had. "Seriously? I'm getting rejected from the afterlife club because of my eye?"

"Apparently so," I muttered, scratching my head. "Cosmic bureaucracy, you know. Rules and all that."

Mitch chimed in, "We can't bend the cosmic rules. Gotta have both eyes matching to enter Purgatory."

Ava crossed her arms, looking defiant. "Well, what now, Ethan? I'm not going back to the land of the living, am I?"

I smirked. "Nah, we'll figure something out. Cosmic loopholes, maybe. I didn't bring you all this way for a denied entry."

Aurelius and I huddled in a corner, scratching our heads over Ava's one-eyed predicament.

"Aurelius, any cosmic wisdom on how to get Ava past the Purgatory velvet ropes?," I grumbled.

Aurelius pondered, his ancient gaze fixated on Ava. "Cosmic rules are a pain, but we can't bend them. She can't go back, and Purgatory's a no-go."

I sighed. "We're stuck in the cosmic limbo. Can't let her wander aimlessly. Got any bright ideas, old timer?"

Aurelius stroked his beard, a cosmic sage in thought. "Ethan, we can't change her past, but perhaps we can forge a unique future. A contract of sorts."

I raised an eyebrow. "A contract? What kind of cosmic paperwork are we talking about?"

"A pact of Eternal Partnership," Aurelius suggested. "A binding agreement between you and Ava. Ensure her safety and find a place for her soul that doesn't breach cosmic rules. Making her a reaper like you wouldn't be too bad. You can keep an eye on her. "

I smirked. "An Eternal Partnership, huh? Sounds like marriage without the paperwork. But if it keeps Ava safe, I'm in."

Aurelius nodded. "Draw up the terms, make it cosmic official. The cosmos loves a good contract."

I approached Ava, who was still shooting daggers at the gatekeeper. "Ava, we've got a cosmic workaround. How about an Eternal Partnership? A little agreement to navigate the cosmic red tape."

Ava raised an eyebrow. "Eternal Partnership? What's the catch?"

"No catch, just fine print and you'll be my partner for the rest of eternity until we figure out how to help you," I assured her. "It ensures your safety, and we find a cozy spot for your soul without breaking any cosmic rules."

Ava smirked. "So, I get a cosmic job and skip the bureaucratic mess? I'm in."

We sealed the deal, cosmic style, and with a cosmic wink to Aurelius, Ava and I embarked on a new cosmic journey, navigating the uncharted territories of Eternal Partnership. Little did we know, this cosmic contract would weave a unique chapter in the ever-expanding saga of Lifedeathia.

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