Chapter 18~

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Applejack's POV; 2 weeks later

The past 2 weeks have been messed up. First of all, Blitz got jealous of me hanging around with Soarin. Which came to an end last week. Second of all, I learned that Fluttershy, isn't so shy anymore. And Third of all, Rarity. Oh, Rarity.. she nearly got me killed, figuratively speaking. I almost got killed by Blitz. Yeah, Rarity said 'A little cheating never hurt anyone' so she put me up with some random guy I didn't even know.. and well it kinda hurt Blitz. But I made it up to him, 2 days ago.. so I'm pretty sure, were good.

I was at home scrolling through my phone. When I got a text message;

'1 new message'

I clicked it and saw who it was from; Big Mac. I groaned and opened it,

Big Mac:
6:57 P.M.
'We need u at Appleloosa'
6:57 P.M.
'What do ya mean??'
Big Mac:
6:59 P.M.
'We have a problem. You have 6 days to get over here. Were sending a plane ticket in 4 days. So you have 4 days to think about it. You either get cut off from the SAA's money and get ur own. Or you can come over here and help us raise more.'
7:02 P.M.
'Ah guess I'll think about it..'
Big Mac:
7:03 P.M.
'Ok. And if ya do go, you have 2 extra days for urself. Bye'
7:03 P.M.

I exited out the app and sighed. I was lost. I wanted to go back to Appleloosa ever since I got here, but Granny Smith wanted me to get away from home. Now since I acutely enjoy this place, I didn't know what to do. I sighed and called, Blitz and asked him to come over. Saying yes, 6 minutes later I heard knocking. I opened the door, "What's wrong?" I sighed and let him in. We sat on my couch, "So ah got a text from my brother in Appleloosa.."


"Soo, your saying that your leaving?" He frowned "Yah.. in 5 days.." I turned around, I suddenly felt arms wrapped around me. Turning to his direction, I frowned "Blitz ahm not in th-" I was cut off by a pair of light blue lips. He brought me down; causing me to lay on top of him, not breaking the kiss. I felt his mouth open; signaling me, I could tell he wanted to explore mine. I opened my mouth allowing his tongue to explore.

After minutes of the two tongues dancing together we departed from the kiss. Catching some air; I smiled "I was thinking.. maybe we could go a bit farther.." he said smirking, I sighed "Why not?" He smiled as he carried me upstairs..

-Timeskip, again-

I laid next to him, with a goofy smile placed on my face "That.. was.. amazing" he said in between gasps. I laughed a bit "Your welcome." He looked at me and raised an eyebrow "Oh please, I did most of the work." I rolled my eyes sarcastically "Sure ya did.." he chuckled "Okay, what now?" I shrugged "It's Thursday. What can we do on a Thursday?" Sitting up he sighed, "What time is it?" I shrugged again and grabbed my phone "8:21 P.M." getting up he smiled "Lets go walk in the park"

I smiled as well "Okay" I wrapped the blanket around me and got up "I've already seen you naked, like psh 5 or 6 times.. why do you still wrap a blanket around you?" I rolled my eyes "Its weird, walkin' around nude.." he let out a 'eh' and started putting on his clothes. I yawned "Don't tell me your tired?" I shook my head "Just bored" he gave me a 'Are you serious' face. I nodded, "Well that's why were going to the park" I sighed "Yah, okay"

Once we left the apartment, I decided we should walk. Blitz gave me a groan, that came with a 'Fine'. I laughed and we continued walking out.

Eventually we made it to the park. Which only took 4 minutes, so I didn't know why he was complaining. There wasn't a lot of people, which was better. I decided to get on the swings, as Blitz pushed me. I felt so, excited around him. Then it hit me.

Ah only got 6 days till it all ends..

Tears came to my eyes, so I tried ignoring it. It eventually worked and to be honest, today was one of the best days of my life. I just didn't want it to end. After the swings, we headed to the slides; which was more fun, than the swings. We had found a perfectly good basketball, so we decided to play. I won 2 out of 3. Blitz got kinda frustrated, since he doesn't like to lose. I just gave him a simple kiss, for good sportsmanship. Afterwards we headed home, leaving the basketball behind.

By the time we got to my apartment it was 9:17 P.M. Blitz wanted to stay with me for a bit. So I allowed him.

A couple of minutes passed by and I told Blitz to go home, as usual he groaned, that came with a 'Fine'.

Ahm gonna miss his groans..

-A/N: omf were like so close to the end ;^; oh whale.. anyways like usual,

my lovely angels!! -

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