Chapter 1~

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It was a dark rainy night; the sound of tire wheels echoed off the walls and a sudden


Was heard. 6 year old Applejack struggled to loosen the seatbelt but eventually got out. She was wearing her usual Apple pajamas but had been torn due to the fact that a piece glass stabbed her right in the thigh causing her to limp. She picked up her hat and looked around at her surroundings to see her parent's car flipped to the side. Quickly she went to the passenger just to find her mother unconscious. She shook her mother yelling for her to wake up; tears started to form in her eyes pleading for her parent's to wake up.

The Orange filly went searching for help limping, trying her best to stay awake and not pass out. She turned one more time see a police station; quickly she limped faster than before and eventually made it there.

Outside stood 3 cops in a dark bluish uniform that caught the attention of applejack; limping even more she made it too the cops to only find out that they were drunk and useless; the orange filly gave up and couldn't stand the pain anymore but tried enough to make it back to the car and reach for her mother's phone and quickly dialed 911, remembering what her parent's taught her.

"911, what's your emergency?" the mare on the phone said. "Yes uh, the car crashed and flipped but m-my momma and pappa are not wakin' up!" tears started to appear in AJ's eyes "Okay, do you know where you are?" "N-no 'mam" "Stay on the; line help is on the way" within a few minutes the ambulance was there and quickly took them to the hospital.

-Time skip to the September 28th 7 days till she moves -

16 year old, Applejack stand right there in front of the grave of her parents remembering the night of there deaths.

"Come now, Applejack." Granny said resting her hand on the young mare's shoulder "We best be goin' before it gets dark." "Yes, Granny. Just let me put these flowers down." putting the flowers down and letting out a big sigh "Sure wish ah would've been the one instead of them.." She said muttering loud enough for them to hear. After that she headed to the car; with only her thoughts to accompany her.

"Ah hope she won't stay this way anymore.." the old mare said to the 18 year old stallion "Eyup" nodding his head in agreement. "If only you were there helpin' your sister, Big Mac" the stallion turned his head to his granny direction "But ah was 8 years old and didn't feel like goin' to the store" "Yea, yea but ah just wish" Granny said while heading to the car.

-A/N: Incase you guys need some explanation here's some of them;

'Why didn't Applebloom go?'
Well my precious Angel, it was because applebloom gets really emotional since she didnt know them that well she was only 3 when they died.

'How come both of the parents went?'
It's because i thought that maybe Aj's mom can be scared to drive so her husband went and lil Aj tagged along

'What did her parent's teach her?'
They taught her how to dial 911 if incase of an emergency. Just like the way they did for big mac when he was 6 years old too; but he knows more :)

Well those are some explanations for meh angels! If you need more just ask meh :P
Also sorey if this was a short chapter heh..

mah angels! -

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