1. Crushing Chronicles

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Once upon a time, in the busting halls of Seoul National University, there existed a boy named Beomgyu.

Now, he wasn't your average teenager.He had a thing for wearing mismatched socks and somehow his hair defied gravity- much like his feelings for the 'popular' boy of the university, Yeonjun.

It wasn't just a crush, it was a full blown, heart-pounding, stomach-fluttering, "I- want- to- write-sonnets- about- your- eyebrows" kind of crush on him.

Yeonjun, with his perfectly styled hair and a smile that could melt glaciers, could make algebra seem interesting. Naturally, every girl (and some boys) swooned in his presence.

And Beomgyu, well he was the guy who tripped over his shoelaces during the talent show.


Beomgyu's heart did a backflip whenever Yeonjun passed by, and he couldn't help but get mesmerized by those eyes (and eyebrows-).

One fateful day, when Beomgyu was talking with his friend Soobin, Yeonjun approached them.

"Hey, you're Beomgyu right?" he asked.
"Uh yes that's me"
"Meet me at xxx restaurant this evening"

He said plainly and left with Beomgyu's heart doing a cha-cha.

Soobin, being suspicious about his behaviour, told him to be careful.
The day passed in a wink and Beomgyu finally decided that he will go.


After reaching there, Beomgyu saw Yeonjun on a table and sat across him, nervous.

"Listen, let me make this straight. I heard that you like me, is it true? "  He asked.

"... yes i do."

"I'll never love a dumbass like you, so stop daydreaming." He scoffed.

".... And you called me here just to say that? There are many other people who like you, are you going to call all of them to say this?"


"Just because you don't like me back doesn't mean that you have to insult me like that. You don't have the right to."

Beomgyu got up and left.

Rejected. Ouch. Beomgyu's dreams of slow-motion hand-holding and shared milkshakes shattered like a dropped iPhone screen.


Beomgyu went home that day and told Soobin everything. The next day, he didn't go to school. He couldn't face Yeonjun after what had happened.

But Yeonjun wasn't going to let Beomgyu get away that easily.
He broke into Beomgyu's house later that day, grabbing his collar, shouting at him and accusing him of telling Soobin to create a scene at school about the rejection. Beomgyu was taken aback by Yeonjun's sudden appearance and accusations.

"What are you talking about?" Beomgyu asked, confused.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You told Soobin to make a big deal out of my rejection." Yeonjun said angrily.

"That's not true! I didn't tell him to make a scene out of it, he's my friend so I tell him everything. You tell me, if you were to tell your friends about that, would you ask me?" Beomgyu said, his voice rising.

Yeonjun got even angrier at that. "Don't talk back!"

"And? What will you do? I'm not scared."

"Oh really"

"Y-yes... I hate you."

"You say that again and I'll make you regret it."


And then the unexpected happened. Yeonjun suddenly pushed Beomgyu towards the wall and kissed him.

(And Beomgyu was too stunned to sphek.)

After a moment or two, he pulled back and smirked.

"Let's see how you hate me now."



I re-published this cuz I wasn't satisfied with the way I wrote it earlier.

Let's hope I gain my readers back ✌🏻


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