2. Unexpected Pairing

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Mrs.Lee, Beomgyu's quirky English teacher, had a penchant for pairing students up.

She believed it fostered teamwork. This time, she thought of doing something 'different', pairing students with their senior.

So, when it was announced that Beomgyu and Yeonjun would be partners for the semester project, the whole universe collectively facepalmed.

Beomgyu stared at Yeonjun, who was equally horrified as him.

"This can't be happening." Beomgyu muttered.

"Alright," Yeonjun sighed. "Let's keep this professional."

"... And please don't give me those heart eyes." Yeonjun joked. 

He's really making a joke out of this?

"Give me your number?"


"Kai," Beomgyu said, voice hushed, "you're really coming to Korea?"
There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Beomgyu could imagine his hesitant smile.

"Yeah." Kai replied, "I booked the flight. Tomorrow."

Tomorrow. Two years since they last saw each other- the hospital, the overdose, the breakup.
And now, he was coming back.

What would it be like to face him again? To look into those eyes- the same eyes that once held laughter, pain and secrets?

They were in touch while he was gone, but meeting in person was different.

Beomgyu leaned his back against the pillows. "Want me to pick you up from the airport?"

"Actually no, my cousin will be there."

"Alright. Safe travels. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow." Kai's laughter, fragile yet hopeful, echoed through the phone.


I did Kai's laughter dirty.



Byee and ily <3

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