4. Wild Cards and a Stupid Apology

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The room is cozy, with posters of constellations on the walls. Beomgyu and Huening Kai sat cross-legged on the floor, a colorful deck of UNO cards spread out between them.

Just as Beomgyu was about to triumphantly declare 'blue', his phone buzzed.

He glanced at the screen- It was a message from Yeonjun.

"Hyung, your turn"

"Oh? Yeah right, yellow..." Beomgyu spoke, distracted.

Sometimes he wished life came with instructions like UNO...


Beomgyu waves back at Huening Kai's retreating figure, closes the door, plops down on the couch and finally looks at his phone.

Right. The message.




I hope this message finds you well.
I've spent several hours replaying our encounter in that restaurant.
And I've come to realize that my actions were thoughtless and hurtful.

Bomgyu, you deserve better. You deserve someone who doesn't stumble over their own emotions. I am deeply sorry for all the pain I caused you.

But, I value you a lot. You aren't someone who wants me just for popularity. You're someone who wants me for me.

Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?



....You spelt my name wrong



....I tried ok?

Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? <<<


I'll try to..

However, trust is a different matter


I know trust takes time, and I'm willing to wait

And I promise to be more mindful

Everyone deserves a second chance right?



Bye yeonjun




He was kind of right, everyone deserves a second chance...



Wait how do you spell your name?


Hey it's been so long I'm sorryy

plus idk what this is but i tried ok?

Bye and Ily!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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