3. Library Distractions

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In the dimly-lit corner of the school library, Yeonjun and Beomgyu huddled over their laptops, fingers running across the keys.

Beomgyu tried to focus on the task at hand, but his mind kept drifting to Yeonjun. It was way too distracting; the way his eyelashes would flutter when he concentrated, the little curve of his lips— it was all too distracting. He was way too distracting.

And Yeonjun? well he was wondering if Beomgyu's hair smelled that way or if it was just the library's musty air playing tricks on him.


Beomgyu dropped his bag on the floor and fell straight to his bed.

Today was the worst!

As soon as he got into the college, people would give him all those weird stares, he hated that.

And don't even get him started on the time when he could hear those giggles and whispers about him when it was announced that he would be Yeonjun's partner for that stupid project.
He hated that too.

Moreover, he hated the fact that he still couldn't get over his feelings for Yeonjun and that harsh rejection.

Fuck you, Choi Soobin. This is all your fault.

Well maybe it wasn't completely his fault. He shouldn't have agreed going with Yeonjun.

Fuck you Choi Soobin, and fuck you, stupid heart!

 Speaking of Soobin, he didn't come to college today.

Oh wait.

Huening Kai was coming to Korea today.


He must've reached by now. He fished out his phone to call him when





Sorry for the short chap, late update and horrible ending...

My exams are around so I won't be able to post for awhile. I may post one more time after this, and then go on a hiatus completely till... idk maybe march-

Ily baiii

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