
28 1 0

Few days during December in Norway
but I don't want to leave anyway.
Here, I want to stay.
The green light flashing in the northern sky
is shinning up above high
like that spell Avadacadavra from Voldemort's wand.
On the top of a mountain house, I stand.
I can see blue
& lavender too.
Red also spray
like from the lighthouse, does the ray.
Blue resembles the wings of a Jay.
Green like the parrot,
Red like the blood of a warrior travelling in a chariot.
Lavender like a flower
found during summer.
The whole sky seem like a rainbow in the back silver of a CD
& suddenly, I feel so needy.
The world is so small,yet so pretty
and I'm just a small me.
Tent and campfire,
need another relaxing holiday within the busy schedule in Yorkshire.


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