Operation Doppelgänger

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When Max woke up, he found himself in a weird laboratory of some kind. There were crazy gadgets and inventions everywhere he looked. Now him not wanting to be trapped here, Max tried to move but found that he was paralyzed inside a test tube looking thing. He tried to break out with a howl, but that didn't do anything. Alright Max thought I'm trapped in a tube and can't move, how did this happen again? Suddenly, Max heard a familiar laughter coming into the lab. "Don't even try to escape." Vitel Baskerville said. "I created this thing to specifically hold you in place and render your cybernetics useless". Vitel continued his villain monologue until Max interrupted him. "If I wanted to be talked to death I would've just listened to Becky ramble, what do you want? Vitel sighed in annoyance, "You really are dense aren't you Max. I told you when I kidnapped you that you would be a perfect subject for my cloning machine." Max just stared at him confused, "Cloning machine, what are you on about?" Max asked, getting really ticked off. Vitel chuckled, "Isn't it obvious, I'm gonna use your DNA to create a cybernetic wolf army and conquer the world. The best part? You won't be around to see it, I never leave my subjects alive.

Sorry for the late upload people (and by late I mean a solid like two months) but I'm back and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
P.S I'm gonna start a zodiac book soon. I already have character names so just send me some plot ideas and ships you want. Tata

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