Chapter 3 - The Crew

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"Look guys, I've found my baby brother." Grayson grins as he approaches us. The redheaded guy next to him smirks as he looks at Jason. Everyone then sits at our booth. Dick sits across from Jason who is glaring bullets at him, next to him is Donna, then Barbra, then Tim. Next to me on my right side is the unnamed redhead.

"So, this is the girl from lunch. Where is your cute friend?" Grayson asks me.

"She didn't come with," I mutter shyly. He frowns dramatically then pulls out his phone.

"That's too bad. Can you give me her number-"

"Fuck off Grayson. You're being weird." Jason smacks his brother's phone out of his hand. Grayson gives Jason the middle finger and Jason mirrors it back. A tap on my shoulder distracts me from the feuding brothers.

"Hey, I'm Roy," Redhead introduces. "Everyone calls me Speedy though."

"Nice to meet you Speedy. I'm Imani." I shake his hand and he grins at me.

"I'm Barbra and this is my best friend Donna. Nice to meet you." Barbra greets me from the other side of the table.

"Oh yeah, I know. We have A.P. Literature together." I say. She grimaces a little and Donna scratches the back of her head.

"Oh shoot. Sorry..."

"It's okay. I really don't have a presence at school. I like to be in the background."

"Yeah, I can get that. I'm Tim by the way. The two idiots younger brother." Tim nods at me. I give him a small smile.

"Stop introducing yourselves like you're going to stay. You guys are not going to stay. Why are you here anyway?" Jason looks around at everyone annoyed.

"Dick told us to follow him and we did." Donna shrugs. Jason glares at his older brother who just chuckles.

"We were going to hang out at your place afterward. You can come over too if you want Imani?" Donna asks me. I turn towards Jason to see if it's okay and he nods. I turn back towards Donna to answer her.

"Uh, I might have to ask my Mom first." Oh God, I probably sounded like such a loser just then, "Could Farah come too?"

"Yeah bring her she's cute." Dick nodded furiously.

"Don't be a fucking creep, Grayson," Jason mutters. Grayson rolls his eyes. I pull out my phone and text my mom and ask if I can hang out with them. She says it's okay and to be home at a reasonable time. Next, I text Farah.

Hey, do you want to come and hang out at the Wayne Manor with me and some of Jason's friends?

Haha, funny joke. She texts back.

I'm serious


Also, Dick Grayson called you cute.

I think I'm going to pass out.

"Farah Is in," I tell Jason. He peers down at me while smiling and I have to avert my eyes. My heart can't handle eye contact for too long with pretty rich boys, "Thanks for inviting me."

"No problem Imani." Donna smiles at me and I smile back.

"I'm leaving then. C'mon Imani." Jason stands up and glares at his friends. He flips off his brother and then grabs my hand to help me up. My mind goes blank at the physical contact. I hear Dick laughing behind us as we walk out.

"Sorry for interrupting your little date, Jason," Dick calls after us. My face heats up at the accusation and Jason just scowls and rolls his eyes.

"He's such an idiot, sorry Bunny." Jason murmurs. I shrug, "I thought they were kind of funny. I think it's cool you have a big friend group like that."

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