Chapter 14 - The Talk

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After the last class of the day was over I stalked over to my locker tired and just wanting the day to be over. But of course I had work after school today. Approaching my locker I noticed a certain Wayne brother glaring hard at the floor and leaned against the wall next to my locker. It was Jason, I guess he decided he wanted to talk to me now. I ignored him as I opened my locker and put away the books I didn't need and grabbed the things I did.

"Imani, are you seeing Roy or something?" The words stumble out of his mouth like he'd been thinking about it all day. Good, let him suffer.

"Hello to you too Jason." I mumbled sarcastically.

"Did something happen between you two during the party? Or over the weekend? When did you guys get so close?" He followed me as I walked towards the school exit.

"Jason, why do you care?" I sighed annoyed. I just wanted this day to be over. I was forming a small stress headache.

"Because you're my friend. And I don't think he's right for you." Jason's voice was getting louder now, he started attracting more eyes than he usually did when he walked the halls.

I paused in the hallway and crossed my arms across my chest, "And how exactly do you know what's good for me? Are you my Dad?"

"I'm just trying to look out for you! Is that a crime?" He shoots back. I roll my eyes, already over this conversation.

"Listen Jason, I'm not sure what kind of macho man thing the two of you have going on but. Leave. Me. Out! This weird possessive crap you are pulling maybe would've been hot in like the 50s or something but right now, it's annoying. You can't ignore me all weekend and now act like you care about me. Especially after what you did!" He flinches as the words come out my mouth.

"You knew that was my first kiss. You knew. And you still ignored me and acted like nothing happened. It made me feel like shit. It might've just been another kiss for you but that will always be my first kiss. So, sorry if I really don't want to talk to you now that you've remembered I exist. If you'll excuse me, my ride is waiting and I have to get to work." I push past the stunned Wayne brother and walk into the parking lot. A tug on my elbow makes me stop in my tracks.

"Let me at least take you to work." Jason says softly. His voice almost made me feel bad for yelling at him and being so upset, but then Roy's car came into view and I snapped out of it.

"I have a ride." I snatched my arm out of his grasp and stomped over to Roy who was now standing by the side of his car smirking.

"Wooah, what got you all upset Mani?" Roy chuckled as he opened the passenger door for me.

I slid in and tossed my backpack in the backseat. "Your friend. He doesn't talk to me all weekend, but as soon as he sees us together all of a sudden he cares about who I hang out with."

Roy explodes with a boisterous laugh that grabs the attention of the people around us. "Oh my God! I can't believe this is working so well! Jason is going to kill me!" He closes my door and walks around the driver's side. Before he steps into the car he blows a kiss at Jason who was standing at the school entrance, his fist and jaw clenched in annoyance. Roy hops in the vehicle and drives off.

"Where do you work?" He asks as we cruise out of the parking lot.

"Gotham public library. It's not too far from here." I murmur. I rest my head against the window of the car and close my eyes. My headache is getting worse.

"You doing okay Mani?" Roy asks as we cruise down the street. I nod my head and keep my eyes closed.

"Just a stress headache."

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