Chapter 26 - The Safe House

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I woke up to my phone blaring in my ear. I groaned and begrudgingly opened my eyes. There was a strong weight around my stomach that I knew was Jason's arm. I tried to pry it off so that I could answer my phone and hopefully get back to sleep but Jason's grip was impossible to break. I was stuck under him.

Poor Jason, I was gonna have to wake up his beautiful sleeping face.

"Jason." I whispered. "Jason!" I smacked his arm. He stirred a bit and pulled me closer to his chest. Man, thank the Lord for abs.

"Jason wake up please. I have a phone call." I poked him repeatedly in the arm until he finally opened his eyes. He smiled softly at me and kissed my cheek.

"You're so cute." He murmured sleepily against my face.

"Thanks big guy, but I have a phone call and your arm is holding me hostage." I blushed at the compliment. You'd think I'd be used to this guy by now huh. He let me go and I sprung up out of the bed to grab my phone. It was my Mom, and I had 30 texts and 5 missed calls from her.

Aw shit, she's going to kill me.

I snuck out the room while Jason snored quietly. I called her back and prepared to get chewed out. The phone rang two times before my mother answered.

"Imani, why didn't you answer the phone? You know the rule when you go to Farah's house is to keep your phone on." She sounded mildly annoyed. But I was more confused about the Farah comment. Did she not know about what happened at the house?

"Oh, sorry Mom. My phone was on do not disturb." I scratched the back of my head.

"Girl, how many times have I told you not to do that when you're out?"

"Sorry mom."

"It's fine baby. Now let me tell you what your aunt said to me today..." My mother rambled on the phone for about ten minutes about family drama before finally hanging up. I sighed and pocketed my phone. I padded my way into the kitchen and opened up the fridge to make me something to eat.

I thought I could go back to sleep but my mind was running a mile a minute. And the best way to soothe an overactive mind was to soothe the belly first. The only things in Jason's fridge were some eggs, two tomatoes and bread. I opened the cabinet and found some pancake mix.

Omelets and pancakes, sounds like a great breakfast to me. I whip all the pancakes up pretty quickly. Once I started on the omelets I felt Jason's arm wrap around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

"Are you making breakfast?" He asks sleepily.

"I figured I should, considering the fact that you saved my life yesterday and everything." I flipped the eggs over. "Speaking of yesterday, wanna talk about what happened?"

"Not really." He kissed my neck. How can I still not be used to this? How can my heart still feel like it's about to burst out of my chest.

I cleared my throat and focused my attention on the food in the pan. "I wanna talk. I was very scared yesterday, but unlike last time I was more angry. I think that was why I was able to fight back like I did. Plus, I knew you were coming. And that was a great source of comfort."

Jason didn't say anything for a beat, then he spoke up. "I blacked out, when I saw him holding you like that again. I just remembered the knife to your throat last time and I couldn't take it." He buried his head in my neck. "It was like my body was on autopilot. I only snapped out of it when you asked me to get out of there. I almost attacked Donna for making me stop."

"Thank you," I whisper, my voice barely more than a breath. "Thank you for saving me."

"I would do it all over again," he murmurs, his voice filled with a tenderness that makes my heart ache. "I would do anything for you."

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