Chapter 4 - We Are Not Alone

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"Hey, you know what I'd like to know? Why send us down today after ninety seven years? What changed?" Finn said as we were still walking through the woods
"Who cares? I'm just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell, and now I'm spinning in a forest." Octavia replied as she grabbed a tree trunk and spun around it with a smile, making me shake my head at her, she was obviously trying to catch Finn's attention but he just ignored her and walked passed her
"Maybe they found something on a satellite, you know, like an old weather satellite or ..." Monty spoke but was cut off by Clark "it wasn't a satellite... The Ark is dying" she said catching all of our attention as we all stopped walking and turned to her
"What do you mean that it's dying?" I asked trying my hardest to control my voice and not panic
"At the current population level, there's roughly three months left of life support, maybe four now that we're gone." She explained as she kept on walking and I could tell from her face that she was feeling guilty for not telling us sooner and I wanted to comfort her but I was too shocked dealing with that fact that The Ark where everyone I knew were was going to Die in Four months
"So that was the secret they locked you up to keep, why they kept you in solitary, floated your old man?" Finn Asked as he caught up with her pace and so did the rest of us
"My father was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought the people had a right to know. The Council disagreed. My mother disagreed. They were afraid it would cause a panic. We were gonna go public, anyway, when Wells..." Clarke Explained but by the end her voice trailed off, no it can't be... he couldn't have
"What, turned in your dad?" Finn asked and my eyes widened Wells could never have done that he cared too much about Clarke he couldn't...but Clarke wasn't correcting Finn which means it's true, no I need to talk with her about this later, she can't actually believe that wells would do such a thing this was the same Wells we grew up with, our best friend, no way he would do such a thing
"Anyway, the guard showed up before we could. That's why today. That's why it was worth the risk. Even if we all die, at least they bought themselves more time" she kept on explaining but I wasn't paying her much attention as I was too shocked to comprehend anymore news
"They're gonna kill more people, aren't they" Monty asked fear clear in his voice and sadly I knew what the answer to that question was
Clarke didn't answer him, which confirmed my thoughts
"Good. After what they did to me, I say, float them all" Octavia spoke up catching our attention then walked off
"You don't mean that" Jasper told her as he followed her and it took me a minute to gather my thoughts and not break down in front of them , this was too much to take in in one day even for me
"We have to warn them" I heard Finn say to Clarke
"I agree, despite everything they did to us, there is still innocent people on the ark" I told them then followed Jasper and Octavia but before I did I heard Clarke say "That's what my Father said"
I turned around to look back at her and saw her looking at Finn but then I pumped into some one and turned to see who it was, only to find Jasper in a trance staring at something as he said "I love earth"
I followed his gaze to see Octavia stripping off until she was only left in a tank top and shorts
"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" I asked her, but she just turned to look at us then ran forward and jumped off a cliff and we heard a splash, I can't believe her , we ran over to see where she jumped only to see her floating in a river and I couldn't help but smile along with everyone else
"I can't swim" Monty spoke out of the Blue
"I know, but we can stand" she said with a smile as she stood up to show that the water hardly reached her waist
"Wait. There's not supposed to be a river here" Clarke spoke turning serious once again
"Well, there is. So take off your damn clothes" Finn told her while smiling causing her to smile too
Jasper and Monty were already taking off their clothes when I noticed something moving in the water, it was coming towards Octavia
"Octavia, get out of the water" I yelled to her but she just gave me an annoyed look
"Why in hell would I listen to you?" she asked but before I could Reply Jasper did "Octavia listen to her and please get out of the water" right then she turned around to see what Jasper and I were staring at , it was some kind of huge snake it grabbed her leg and started pulling her away
"Octavia!!" Jasper Called and all we could hear was her screams, until suddenly the snake disappeared under the water taking Octavia along with it
"No!!" I whispered
We all stood there with opened mouths staring at the quiet water, not knowing what to do
Suddenly Octavia appeared again splashing around in the water as the thing still had hold on her leg, we had to act fast
"as soon as I get in that water, that thing will come at me, you need to get her out of the water fast I can't distract it for long" i spoke quickly and Clarke's head snapped in my direction but before she could speak I immediately jumped in the water and just as I thought the thing let go of Octavia and started swimming in my direction, but I wasn't just going to let it kill me I swam directly towards the shore 
I didn't think it was that fast it was catching up with me but thanks god I was a step away from the shore and a minute later I was out of the water but not before it had bitten  my side but at that moment i didn't really have the energy to care and just dropped down on the ground of the other shore
I looked back at them to see that they had Octavia out of the water safe and sound with just a similar bit on the thigh, but they were laughing which is a good sign, with that I sighed and dropped back, trying to keep my vision clear the adrenaline effect was wearing off, my breathe was getting heavier and my eyes where dropping I felt so exhausted and wanted nothing more than to fall asleep but knew I couldn't
A couple of minutes passed and Clarke and the others appeared beside me
"What the hell was that?" Clarke yelled at me
"It worked didn't it" I told her with a smirk
"You could have died" she yelled back at me
"Well she didn't, take it easy on her" Finn told her as he helped me up
"How's Octavia?" I asked
"I'm okay, thanks to you" she said causing me to turn around and see her leaning on Jasper for support, I just nodded in return as I was too tired to speak
Finn took off his jacket and offered it to me
"Keep it, I am fine"
"Your whole clothes are dripping with water, you need it more than I do" he said pushing it towards me
"Thanks" I said as I took it from him and put it on , sending him a grateful smile
On The Ark
"Ten more, one after the next. Abby, look at plasma osmolality. It's going up across the board" Jackson told Abby signaling to the board with the 100 names, where now some of the names where black
"They found water" Abby said with a smile, feeling a bit relieved
"Councilor Abigail Griffin, you're under arrest for exceeding the maximum medical supplies allowed for a patient" commander Shumway said as he entered the lab along with a couple of the guards and Kane
Two of the guards grabbed her by the arm as Kane came to stand in front of her
"Sorry this has to be public. The policy in these matters is very clear, no special treatment" he told her then turned around to leave but stopped and turned back to her "How much blood did you use"
" Abby? Don't answer that" Jackson told her but she ignored him as she replied "I used whatever it took. Breaking the law to keep you from becoming Chancellor was the easiest decision I've ever made"
"In that case, given your confession, in my role as Chancellor pro tempore, you leave me no choice but to find you guilty" he told her in a monotone
"We always have a choice, Kane. You chose to send your own daughter to jail for helping those in need; you chose to press charges against my husband, your friend, even though you knew he would get floated for it. You chose to include my daughter in those charges, and now you're choosing this. Hiding behind the law absolves you of nothing" she told him and despite how much he tried to hide it she knew that mentioning what he done to Jade affected him
"Be that as it may, in accordance with penal code one, because all crimes committed by those above the age of majority are capital crimes, you are hereby sentenced to death. Execution is set for the morning, and I choose at every turn and at any cost to make sure that the human race stays alive" He told her with a glare, he turned to leave once again but was stopped as Abby spoke
"That's the difference between us, Kane. I choose to make sure that we deserve to stay alive" she replied then the Guard led her out of the lab leaving a stunned Kane behind her
On Earth
I woke up from a deep sleep, only to notice that it was still night, Jasper, Monty and Octavia were still a sleep beside me but where were Clarke and Finn
I turned to look around only to see some sparkling butterflies and couldn't help but give a laugh at their beauty ,but quickly shushed myself so I wouldn't wake up the others , the butterflies were covering most of the trees lighting the night and showing the beauty of the forest
I looked around once again this time my eyes fell on Clarke and Finn who were sitting a couple of feet away from us watching the stars, I knew that something was going to happen between these two anyone with eyes could see the chemistry between them and Clarke actually deserve to be happy, I hope something does happen between them
So finally after deciding to not disturb them I was going to go back to sleep when I felt Octavia stir awake from beside me
She turned to me and asked "you up?"
"Can I ask you something?" she asked
"Well you just did" I told her with a smile and she shook her head at me
"Why did you do it? I mean jump in the water for me, I haven't been anything but a bitch towards you and your friends ever since we landed on earth, so why save me?" she asked
"Want the truth?" I asked and she nodded
"I don't know why, i just don't believe that you are as bad as you draw yourself to be, you are just misunderstood and an outsider, who wants to fit in here ... somewhere ...anywhere, you know despite how much we both would hate to confess we are just the same...lost" I told her and she didn't reply so I thought that she went back to sleep and was about to do so myself when I heard her speak again "it was you wasn't it?"
"The one who threw herself at the guards to help me get away the night of the masquerade" I nodded
"Why?" she asked
"You seemed like you needed the help, I'm sorry it didn't work out" I replied
"Thank you for helping me even without knowing me"
"Us girls have to stick together, right?"
"Yeah, you're nothing like him, your dad I mean" she replied
"I like to believe that, now go back to sleep you will need it, good night" I told her as I turned on my side and closed my eyes
"Good night"
On The Ark
Kane was standing  in front of a window watching the earth and drinking , despite how hard he tried he couldn't stop thinking of Jade and how she was doing down there
Suddenly the door of the room opened and in came Callie "Are you out of your mind? You can't just kill everyone who disagrees with you"
"Now, you all think I'm a bad guy, but I'm the only one who's willing to do what it takes to save us" he turned to her as he spoke
"She's my best friend" she yelled at him
"So what do you want me to say, I'm sorry? I'm not. Friendship is a luxury we can't afford, and if I have to take us down to a cosmic Adam and Eve, I will do it" he told her in the same serious tone he used with Abby
"Please, show mercy, if not for Abby, then for me" she begged him but he didn't seem affected the slightest bit
"We can't afford mercy, either"
"you know I used to think that there was still a chance for redemption in you, that despite everything you did, all the people you hurt and even what you did to Jade ...your own daughter how you just agreed to send her off to die without even saying goodbye, that you could still be saved, but Abby was right, there is nothing left in someone who refuses to feel even for their own blood " with that she turned around and ran out of the room...
On Earth
"You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling" Clarke told Finn as we were standing on a cliff facing Mount weather
"So we are finally here" I told Clarke with a smile which she returned as she replied "yeah and soon we will be on our way back, when Finn decides to finally go, mount weather awaits"
We all chuckled at that
"Well tell you what I will go first then" I offered and made my way up the rock where Finn and Jasper were standing
"Be my guest" Finn replied as he gave me the tree branch we were going to use to get to the other side, i pulled it down ward to see if it will handle my weight
"Just hang on till the apogee and you'll be fine" Jasper told me but I didn't understand what he meant
"The apogee like the Indians, right?" Finn asked
"Apogee, not apache" Jasper replied
"He knows. Today, guys" Clarke called
"Sir Yes sir" I said at the same time Finn said "Aye, aye, captain" so we turned to one another and burst out in laughter
"Okay guys here I go" I said as I moved backwards to give myself a push but Jasper stopped me "Wait"
I gave him a questioning look but then he said "Let me. I can do it" he signaled to Octavia who was watching us
"Oooh, you like her" I teased him
"Shhhh, she will hear you" he shushed me and I just laughed and handed him the branch "Knew there was a badass in there somewhere" Finn patted him on the shoulder
Jasper looked at Octavia who was smiling at him and then at the branch he was clearly afraid of jumping
"Hey, it's okay to be afraid, Jasper. The trick is not fighting it" Finn reassured him and I nodded at him
"Go get the girl" I whispered
And he nodded "See you on the other side" and finally jumped "Ha ha! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Yeah! We are apogee! Yeah" he yelled as he landed on the other side and we started yelling and sheering with him
"Yeah" Clarke cheered
"Yeah! Whoo!" Octavia yelled
"You did it, Jasper!" I Cheered
"Whoo! Yeah!" Jasper yelled
"Let's go commander, you're up" Finn told and I smiled and grabbed the branch
"Come on, Jade! You got this!" he encouraged me "Whoo! Apogee! We did it! Mount Weather! Whoo! Whoo!" he yelled as he grabbed a sign that was on the ground saying Mount Weather
"Yes" Octavia cheered
"Whoo!" Monty cheered
We were all cheering when out of nowhere a spear was thrown and hit Jasper in the chest and his scream was the last thing we heard
"No, Jasper" I yelled but with no reply I went to jump after him but Finn grabbed me and pulled me down the rock with him the others
"Get Down, get down" he told me as I struggled to get back up
"No we have got to go help him, he will die we need to help him" I yelled as I struggled against his grip
"If whoever did this sees us we will all end up dead, so stop struggling and get down" he yelled/whispered at me
We kept hearing sounds around us so we kept looking from side to side but could see no one
"We are not alone" Clarke said

So very really sorry for the late update , here you go hope it's worth the wait , tell me what you think , good , bad , horrible :D

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